One Lovely Blog Award!
The winner of my Best of Hartford Voting Party giveaway is the duo of Connecticut Bloggers!
I will contact you to find out if you want a gift card from Esca, Spotlight Theaters, or Umi Sushi + Tapas. Don’t forget to check out the voting parties happening in the Hartford area this month!
Forever ago (as in, May!) I was tagged by the FUbulous Kierston of Candy Fit to partake in the One Lovely Blog Award survey! These things are so fun – as long as I can think up enough randomness to share about myself.
- Post the award logo and picture on my blog and link back the person who nominated you. (Done!)
- Tell seven things about yourself. (See below.)
- Nominate up to 15 additional bloggers who you think deserve the award. (I nominate EVERYONE.)
- Post a comment on the blog of each nominee to tell them they have been nominated! (No way, that’d take forever!)
1. When I first turned 21, I was obsessed with ordering margaritas in restaurants. My taste for beverages was much different then – I didn’t really want to taste any booze. Whenever I went anywhere out to eat, even if it was lunchtime, I had to get a margarita just because I was 21 and I could.

Mmm Ruby Tuesday’s $5 margarita.

Coconut margarita!

Catsup & Mustard margarita!

A margarita in Vegas! My 21st birthday gift from my parents was a trip there.
2. Staying on the same topic, I did not go crazy on my 21st birthday. No, I went to good old Ruby Tuesday’s, one of my favorite chains, to use a coupon I got for a free birthday burger. I also ordered two margaritas (obviously) and got pretty drunk before I could even finish the 2nd one. Ruby’s totally comped my drinks for me which was nice, but they didn’t know about the birthday coupon when they said they’d do that, so when I handed it to the waitress she gave me A Look. Guests in attendance were my boyfriend at the time, my best friend and her boyfriend at the time, and of course my foodie friend Jeff!

Hey there!
3. I had two surprise birthday parties in a row my freshman and sophomore years of college. I think it’s pretty funny that this is turning into a birthday survey, but oh well. Freshman year we did a birthday dinner at Friendly’s, and when we got back to my room I was surprised with an ice cream cake! I had just eaten a huge dessert (and burger and fries) at Friendly’s, but I definitely helped myself to cake. Yes, this was a different day when I was quite carefree about what I ate. Sophomore year was like a movie – I asked people to do something for my birthday and everyone said they had plans. I was so down and felt so alone, until I opened the door to my friends’ room and found an even bigger surprise party than the year before! And yes, more cake! I have some wonderful friends.

Freshman year birthday cake.

Oh nom.

That birthday banner still hangs in my room at home!
4. My go-to order at any restaurant in high school and early college was a burger and fries. I have eaten LOTS of burgers and fries, but all were plain as could be. Not even any lettuce or tomato could make its way onto my burgers, and no way did I use ketchup on my fries.

5. My senior year of high school, my recreational basketball team won the championship game. I was an AWFUL basketball player and rarely scored a basket, but whenever I did it seemed to always be a game my dad missed. Well I did score a basket during my last high school rec game ever, the championship game, and my dad was finally there to see it! I remember looking for him in the crowd the moment the ball went through the hoop and feeling so happy.
6. As a middle schooler, I used to watch Lizzie McGuire and take notes in a notebook about her outfits. I had lists of “pieces” I just haaaaad to replicate. Lucky for me, my mom would not buy me that many clothes and I had not much money of my own. Could’ve been a fashion disaster. Well not that I already wasn’t.

What? I don’t look good? Source
7. The day I got my first abercrombie hoodie was a day I will never forget. Christmas morning, 8th grade. To me, the abercrombie hoodie was the creme de la creme of fashion. It would seal the deal and get me out of my awkward phase. Little did I know that phase wouldn’t end for awhile…but at least I got my hoodie.
Stuff of dreams. Source
I’m nominating EVERYONE because I want to learn more about all of my blends! Get to it!
Did you learn anything new about me during this post that surprised you? Or that made you go, “Oh, that’s so Caitlin”?
What’d you do for your 21st birthday (if it’s happened)? Have you ever had a surprise party?
Lizzie McGuire…abercrombie…what were your middle school obsessions?