Thinking Out Loud: 2DAYZZZZ
Two days. Said to the “tune” of “2 Chainzzzzz”. As in two days until I move to Boston. Now I will use the 2 Chainz reference to plug my current favorite song.
I’m short on time today so let’s dive right in and think out loud. Thanks as always to Amanda for giving me an excuse to ramble and feel like there’s purpose behind said rambling.
1. I’m really totally kinda dreading the whole actual act of moving. The movers are arriving Saturday morning around 7:30AM and the day before (aka tomorrow) is my last day of work followed by happy hour co-worker shenanigans. I’m expecting I’ll be feeling the shenanigans the next morning and an early wake up call followed by a drive to Boston won’t be at the top of my list of things to experience. Gotta power through! And drink ALL the water.
2. My department took me out to a dynamite dinner last night. We went to Millwright’s in Simsbury and the experience blew us away, even without recently-James-Beard-nominated Exec Chef Tyler Anderson in the kitchen (he’s on a well-deserved vacation). The talented team surprised us with some treats from the kitchen and the food we ordered was magnificent as well. This meal will get its own post, so here’s a sneak peek.

Luini’s Widow: barrel-aged amaretto, gin, lillet blanc, orange bitters. I will miss Chris‘s cocktails.

Instead of an app, I opted for the pistachio crumble baby cabbages. They were everything.
3. I really shouldn’t even be blogging right now. I have so much work to do and it didn’t help that I was late this morning. Why you ask? Well this charming place I live called New England decided to make my driveway a sheet of ice, and it took me 1.5 hours to get out of it this morning. I was on the phone with my mom (on speaker of course!), panicking and talking through every slip and side with her. Thank goodness for patient mothers, and the fact that it’s a sunny day today. Eventually the ice got slightly mushy enough for me to power up the driveway and get to work. Oh, and I also slid DOWN it last night, and hit the house. Oops.

My car is fine at least?!
4. I’m on the Shop Tobi Pinterest! I shared my Sunday night going-away-gathering dress and they pinned it to their Tobi Girls board. My sister sent me the screenshot last night – I guess someone noticed it and sent it to her. How cool!
5. I made an appointment with a Boston therapist! Fingers crossed it goes well…she has weekend AND evening availability, which I’ve come to realize during my search is a real find. I have my first appointment this coming Tuesday so I’m glad I’m going to go ahead and get in there, because if I feel like it won’t be a good fit that gives me time to look for more options.
6. I’ve been doing a pretty good job of getting my workouts in, but not going too crazy with them, during this stressful time. Tuesday’s snow had me working remotely but I still managed to make it to the gym once the roads had gotten cleared. I did my usual level 17 speed intervals on the Step Mill and was enjoying the latest issue of Glamour so much that I finished it while incline walking on the treadmill. Yesterday I woke up before work to get some movement in because I had my dinner last night and therefore no time for my usual evening gym session. I really wasn’t looking forward to waking up but I made sure to get to bed early so the wake-up wasn’t all so bad! I briefly considered just doing weights and abs but I knew I’d feel better all day if I did some cardio, so I did my go-to Tone It Up Beach Babe DVD Surfer Girl workout and some abs. 35 minutes later I was done and done, and had gotten in a great workout! I just adore that DVD, and am glad I’m on the ground floor of my new apartment so I can keep doing its plyos without too much fear of disturbing my neighbors 😉

But a quick rant…I’m all about loving your body. But I don’t get much credibility from girls who look like this telling me to love my body. My mind quickly jumps to, “Easy for them to say!” (Source)
7. Kim got me a bottle of Gouveia Vineyards Cab Franc and it is GREAT. Actually it’s also from her boyfriend Will – and he picked it out! – and made for a fabulous going away present. I can say this because I’ve already had some of it. My mom loved it too! However the Jonathan Edwards Cab Franc is still my favorite CT wine.

CT wine AND wine glass. I’m really going all-out on CT this week.
8. I will never ever get sick of this casserole. Ever. My mom makes it with butternut instead of spaghetti squash and I find it so much more flavorful. We enjoyed it for dinner on Tuesday with the above wine, and lucky for me there are leftovers. I’d rather eat thirds of this than have an after-dinner snack any day.
9. I’m really digging my latest read, but am unsuccessfully digging for time to read it. I really enjoyed The Leftovers and Tom Perrotta‘s short story collection Nine Inches is almost as good! But each night I get into bed I’ve been too tired to do anything but listen to Fresh Air as I drift off to sleep.
That was nine thoughts I really didn’t have time to write. I’m off to eat my baby kale salad (LOVING baby kale instead of spinach lately!) and do more work. FYI if you ever find things slow at your current job, just put in your two weeks notice. That’ll pick the pace RIGHT up…for two weeks at least.
What are you eating/drinking lately? Reading? Doing for workouts?
Have you ever…run into your house?!
During stressful times, do you find workouts slipping or do you keep up with them?
Tone It Up’s Love Your Body campaign…thoughts?