Thinking Out Loud: Writing & Rambling
Back again posting twice in one week, and that’s not so hard to do when the writing prompt is…ramble about whatever’s on your mind. Thanks for that one, Amanda!

Join Amanda’s link-up if you plan to Think Out Loud on this Thursday!
1. I’ve been feeling better since Saturday’s “whale day”. Thanks for your supportive comments! I also saw my therapist this past Tuesday, so that was some good timing. I’m liking her more after each appointment; I know that it takes time to get acclimated to someone new. She gave me a cheesy “homework” assignment for the next couple of weeks, but also not an assignment I’m unfamiliar with. She asked me to stand in front of the mirror a few times a day, look at myself, and literally just say, “I love you.” (Pausing for laughs.) Hey, I am willing to try anything to help me on this journey to self love, no matter how cheesy it may sound! Plus, I love cheese (the literal and figurative kind). I have to admit though that I keep forgetting to try the assignment…maybe writing this will help me remember.

Until then, I will continue to master the art of hand on hip pose and bask in the super-inspiring comment my sister Hannah left on my last post.
2. The week has been a good mix of staying in and being out and about. Monday and Tuesday I stayed in and loved every moment. I tried out a couple new recipes, stole Hannah’s Netflix password so that I could resume Breaking Bad, and packed for this coming long weekend in DC. I also tried to just listen to my cravings when it came to “fun” calories. I didn’t want anything to drink at ALL on Monday, but Tuesday felt like sipping a bit of whiskey with my dinner…so I did. And then I felt like eating a pack of Peanut M&M’s that I’ve had sitting around for about a month now…so I did that too. And I tried to tell myself that, since I can’t remember the last time I ate anything that one could call candy, it’s really okay.

Can’t say enough good things about this sweet potato & corn cake recipe, which I modified by using egg whites, omitting the cornstarch (had none on hand), and adding black beans for protein.
3. The “going out” consisted of last night’s trip to one of my fave Boston spots close to my apartment, Deep Ellum. After our usual Total Body Conditioning butt-kicking Jeannie and I decided some cocktails were in order. This turned into snacks as well so that we could enjoy a second beverage without falling off our bar stools. Which was actually pretty responsible of me, because I was able to come right home, get in bed, and wake up ready to go for this morning’s three mile run!
4. I have the opportunity to attend a very exciting/nerdy event today for work! 90+ Cellars is the wine sponsor for the networking reception taking place after BostInno‘s State of Innovation forum, so I received a complimentary ticket to attend (along with Jeannie and my boss). I’m really excited about the panels on retail/e-commerce and advertising. The governor of MA and mayor of Boston will also be in attendance, along with Julian Edelman, who is apparently a Patriots player (I clearly know nothing). It should be an interesting day and certainly a fun way to end my work week, since I’m taking tomorrow off to fly to DC!

Today’s outfit! Dress is from the Kohl’s Elle collection, shoes from Forever 21.
5. I am excited to share that I am now running the Zooma Cape Cod half marathon on behalf of Zooma itself! They’ve graciously provided me a complimentary race entry in exchange for blogging about my training and race experience. Not that I wasn’t going to do that anyway, but this is obviously a great opportunity especially since I’m now living on my own in the very expensive city of Boston, and I’m really thankful to Zooma for doing this for me. That being said, I already completed (on Tuesday) this week’s longest training run of 5 miles and though that isn’t even half the distance of a half, that particular run really boosted my confidence! It was the first run that made me feel like I could really pull off a half marathon distance, I think because I felt like I could have kept going if I wanted to. But it’s running, and I didn’t want to, so I stopped after my 5 miles 😛 I really like getting the long run done on Tuesday because a) I can have more fun on weekends 😉 and b) it’s nice to get it done earlier in the week. Plus my beloved Wednesday Total Body Conditioning class tends to kill my legs so doing the run before that class seems smart. And Monday is my spin day, so my legs aren’t too tired on Tuesdays…but we’ll see how things go as I continue to train. I’m determined to keep playing it by ear and listening to my body!

Can’t wait til this is mine! (Source)
Though I have plenty more I could ramble on about, that’s all the time I have for today. Time to get ready for the State of Innovation event! Have a great day everyone – and a fabulous weekend, since you won’t hear from me again til next week!
Have you been out and about this week, or mostly staying in?
Have you ever attended a work-related conference?
What is the training distance that gives you confidence that you can complete an entire race?