Time to announce the winner of a free hairdo by Blo West Hartford…

The winner is Olivia!!! I will be contacting her to set up receipt of the prize!

Congrats to her and thanks to all who entered, and to Blo and Cuvee for making this giveaway possible!
Thank you for all the well wishes on yesterday’s one-year belated blogiversary reflection! I love having this blog to look back and recognize how much I’ve grown while also remembering all the fun I’ve had in the past year.
Fun with the best dad in the world! Rockin’ those classy plaid shorts for Fashion Friday!
I have to admit that this hasn’t been the best week for me. I’ve been doing a lot of feeling bad about myself. I’m honestly just downright sick of it and I’m trying to keep trucking on – I know I need to be out of my comfort zone to learn the lessons I need to learn to be happy in the long run. But it sure isn’t easy.
Some mornings, eating my banana and beloved PB isn’t easy. Good thing I love the combo so much 🙂
I was cheered up today when I read a post from Lisa about how she is taking the plunge and is going to stay in California on a “sabbatical” for the next year. I am so envious and at the same time inspired! I want to leave Connecticut and live in a place that’s more “me” one day, but there are things I need to do (my MBA, save more money…) before it’s “practical” to do that. I’m a very practical person, but that doesn’t mean I’m always happy about it. Still, seeing someone do what I want to do makes me realize that it is indeed possible. I need to be patient!
At least last night in class when I dated my page as Tuesday, I got to cross it off after realizing it was Thursday, and not the other way around.
I’ve got a fun weekend ahead – but then again, I always do (I’m not trying to be snotty, it just seems to be the case!). Sometimes that’s the problem! The fun activities are fun to me often because they might entail some food…some drinks…and I feel guilty for thinking those things are fun. But that’s me. That’s my passion, along with the people I’ll be spending time with. I need to focus on them!
Will be hanging with my mom for sure on Sunday night for dinner!
And onto Fashion Friday! Let’s do it! I wanted to showcase a couple of skirts I’ve purchased over the summer that I’ve worn a couple of different ways. Maybe it’s the fashionista in me, but I love those features in magazines that show different outfits using the same piece. Sometimes there isn’t much of a difference, but sometimes a new outfit combo can result in a completely different look!

I used the above outfit in a prior Fashion Friday, but this week I wore the H&M skirt and those shoes again, just with a different shirt. This is an example of a different shirt NOT changing a look much…especially since it’s literally the exact same shirt, in a different color. #sorrynotsorry
Went for lime green this time!
I love wearing neutral colors on the bottom and BRIGHT neon on top! I think the two balance each other out well, and I decided to stick with that look.

This photo makes it look like I’m wearing one earring, but the glittery gold dot (Aldo) and the shell (Forever 21) are two different pairs. I refuse to lay down and let it be fall! Bring on skirts, bring on seashells!

Necklace: Mikarose
Top: Armani Exchange
Watch: NYC flea market
Bracelet, Rings: Forever 21
Skirt, Flats: Urban Outfitters (on sale now for $14.99!)

Top: Forever 21
Watch: NYC flea market
Skirt: Urban Outfitters (see above)
Heels: Steve Madden
I think the two outfits featuring the Urban Outfitters skirt definitely give a more different vibe. I love black lace because I feel like it’s a contrast between girly and dark. I think the first outfit is all girly, from the soft colors to the flats.
Also, in my “travels” through the Urban Outfitters sale skirt section I came across these two gems. I WANT.
I don’t even like watermelon, but I want the skirt below!
Which way of wearing each of the two skirts is your favorite?
How do you feel about my latest Urban Outfitters wish list skirts?
Do you find yourself wearing the same pieces in completely different types of outfits?