Long Newport Weekend
Once I got going writing yesterday’s post, I knew this recap of the long July 4th weekend in Newport, RI would have to be a two-parter. So many photos and so much to say! Thankfully I woke up at 5:30AM for no reason this morning, actually feeling quite well rested, so I was able to sneak in a quick run and sit down here to blog before starting my work day. Let’s pick up where we left off:
Sunday 7/6
So I woke up and despite feeling guilty about what I’d eaten/drank the day prior, I also just didn’t feel like going running or doing cardio of any kind. Our timeshare complex had a gym that I walked into and said…wtf? It had three machines, dumbbells that maxed out at 10lbs (not that I’m strong man or anything, but come on!), and not even a space to do abs and no bench. So I basically did arms for 20 minutes, abs from the now-longer-than-30-days ab challenge, and called it a day. I was happy to be able to hightail it to Mokka Coffeehouse down the street to get some work done!
The shop was adorable as you can see from the above photo, and the iced coffee DELICIOUS. I had it a few other days on my trip and definitely recommend this place, though Coffee Grinder is still my favorite coffee place in Newport simply because of the waterfront seating (unfair advantage). After plugging away for a couple of hours I got hungry and found out my family was having lunch at a diner. I just didn’t really feel like eating diner food, and OK I was having anxiety over it, so I decided to take my current read and check out Newport’s newest farm-to-table (this term is, to me, becoming overused) restaurant – Stoneacre Pantry.
I sat at the bar and as usual it was so fun because I chatted with the owner/chef/bartender and met a couple of new friends. I also devoured one of the BEST restaurant salads I’ve had in a long time – this kale salad with miso-Caesar dressing, chicken confit, and shaved Parmesan. I asked for an egg on top because I just had such a craving for it! I could’ve licked the plate clean.
The fam went from lunch to the pool but I just wanted to explore – it was my last full day in town! So I did some more productive shopping which resulted in me finding these boss J. Crew shorts for $19! Thank you 50% off sale prices + my student ID. (Looks like today you can get 50% off the sale price online too – check it out here.)

Wore them my first day back to work!
After shopping and some more family time we all went to The Mooring for dinner. My coworker had recommended it and I’d always wanted to go but just never made it over there. Um, what have I been waiting for! Firstly, check out this view from our table!
Mom and Nana Connie stuck with Pinot Noir throughout the meal while Hannah and I enjoyed cocktails. I had an INCREDIBLE Mint Julep! Hannah’s Cucumber Collins was good but she called it her first course because of the amount of herbs and cucumber in it.
Dinner was so incredible. No pics because as you can tell from the photo above the lighting was super shadow-y. But I had salmon with lentils and a dill yogurt sauce – YUM. Our table also devoured the bread, which was delivered in a brown paper bag so it was niiiice and warm.

Mom, me, Nana Connie, and Hannah!
After dinner I had some pretty ridiculous (in an awesome way) plans for my last night in town – a sailboat ride to watch the Jamestown fireworks!
It was the perfect way to cap off a lovely trip to Newport and marked my first time ever going out on a boat during a Newport visit! Watching fireworks from a boat is the best. So is taking cheesy photos on the boat that reveal to everyone that you NEVER go on boats.
I honestly almost didn’t go on my little boat adventure because I was worried that I’d drink on board and snack after we got back to shore. Guess what? Both of those things happened. Guess what else? The world didn’t end. And I woke up the next morning and killed a 6.25 mile run of gorgeous views, and felt so strong and accomplished after!
Monday 7/7
I knew I wanted to hit the road no later than 3PM to avoid traffic, so after my run I asked Nana Connie to join me for one last outing together before I departed. We hadn’t had a chance to get one on one time during the trip and I was so happy to be able to take her to Diego’s, one of my fave brunch spots (despite the fact that they have music on their website – STOP THAT).
During my run all I wanted was an IPA, so that was the first thing I ordered. I honestly wasn’t even that hungry but I knew I should eat something before my ride back so I got the most AMAZING spicy tuna salad! But honestly the IPA was my favorite part of lunch. When you have a craving you have a craving.

No I am not drinking Bud Light. LIke my shirt Maria? 😉
I also helped Nana Connie with her chicken burrito, which was SO good. Not something I’d order for myself so it’s always nice to help someone else polish of their leftovers 🙂 I left so happy that we’d had the chance to have time together for a heart to heart. I love that she’s able to join us on our special trips and I hope I make it to a UT football game this fall so I can see her!
We went to the pool and I seriously almost zonked out hard but I knew that’d spell trouble for me getting up to drive back, sooo I just decided to drive back. What a tiring drive. I got home Monday evening and was POOPED. I watched lots of KUWTK, edited photos, ate dinner, and promptly passed out. But going back to work on Tuesday wasn’t so bad, because I still really like my job 🙂 And it was a great trip. I’m glad I let myself enjoy it. Looking back I’d do some stuff differently but nothing significant and isn’t that always how life is? I’m grateful for a family that can give me such a wonderful vacation and friends that will help me out when needed. I’ll never forget my time in Newport!
Which of these eats/drinks looks best to you?
Did you catch any fireworks for the 4th?