Gorton’s Seafood Grilled Fish Tacos
Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for the two newest Element fitness DVDs from Anchor Bay Entertainment! Entries close this Saturday 9/8 at 11:59PM EST.
So remember when I went to the Evening at the Expo party at BlogHer ’12, and took this silly photo at the Gorton’s Seafood booth?
Well I tweeted it with the #PutAWheelOnIt hashtag. You know, just doin’ my usual blogger thang. And then I find out…
…I was the lucky winner of a YEAR’S SUPPLY OF GORTON’S SEAFOOD!!!!

Could a prize be ANY more up my alley?! I am a mondo seafood lover! And my mom is always hesitant to cook it at home because she feels like restaurants can always “do it so much better”. Thanks to Gorton’s, we’re armed with plenty of tools to dispel that feeling! And with use of my first Gorton’s purchase, I’d so far call that mission a great success.

Does that look like it came from a box to you?!
Gorton’s Seafood Grilled Fish Tacos:
Ingredients: (NOTE: you can use other varieties of Gorton’s grilled fish products or even other brands, but the below Gorton’s products are specifically what I used!)
- Gorton’s Garlic Butter Grilled Fillets
- Gorton’s Signature Grilled Tilapia
- 1 cup of pico de gallo
- 1 tsp of cumin
- Ortega Whole Grain Corn Taco Shells
- Prepare fillets according to microwave instructions on boxes.
- Put whole fillets into pot (like one pictured below) and use whatever utensils preferred to cut fish into tiny pieces (see below photo).
- Add pico de gallo and cumin, stir together until well blended.
- Turn burner on low heat to keep taco filling warm.
- Spoon into taco shells and serve!

Mix and match!
How easy is that?! And it’s not a meal in the Croswell home without black beans, so my mom opened up a can of those and put them together in another stove-top pot with extra garlic and more pico de gallo.

What’s a Mexican meal without beans?!
She also had steamed up some broccoli with MORE garlic, because if there’s one thing in the Croswell house more commonplace than greens, it’s garlic. I fixed myself a marvelous plate.

A fitfluential meal indeed!
And then I fixed myself ANOTHER marvelous plate. Because that’s the way you do it after an evening gym session! I know that many folks say breakfast “should” be the biggest meal of the day, but my biggest meal is always, without fail, dinner. Probably because it’s my FAVORITE meal of the day!
My mom could not get over a) how affordable Gorton’s products are (even if you’re spending money on them and didn’t just win a year’s supply of seafood :-P) or b) how simple it was to make the fish. Those are both fabulous qualities for a product to possess, but my number one was the fact that the fish tasted so darn fresh. Not at all bland, not at all “fake”. Just tasted like white fish should taste! It almost seems like it shouldn’t have tasted so good since it was so easy to put this meal together, but hey, we’ll take it.
Thank you to Gorton’s Seafood for my free seafood! I can’t wait to share more recipes on the blog throughout the year!
Do you have any recipe suggestions that I could use Gorton’s products in?
Have you ever made your own fish tacos?
Do you prefer your fished tacos grilled or fried? I won’t judge if you say fried 😉 it is indeed yummy!