Classic Insta-Cait
The moment I read Hollie‘s post on Top Instagram Blogger Cliches, I knew I had to do my own! But I don’t necessarily follow all of them (for example: anything having to do with running) so I thought I’d give you a round-up of the Top Instagram CAIT Cliches! These are the types of pictures you can bet you’ll often find if you follow me on Instagram.
I’m sure this shocks none of you. Sometimes I even get tagged in peoples’ cocktail photos because Instagramming drinks makes them think of me. I will try to take this as a compliment.

Familia Royal – Citadelle Gin, Campari, Amaro di Nonino, Cava. Enjoyed at Firebox in Hartford!
I try to list not just the name of a drink but its ingredients too, and where I got it. If I don’t, I’ll inevitably get asked!
Brussels Sprouts
Whether I’m eating baby cabbages at home or in a restaurant, whenever I eat them I feel the need to display their glory to the Insta-universe.

My mom’s roasted version is the BEST! So easy to, she just uses lemon juice, EVOO, and sea salt.
#OOTD Selfies
I love when others Instagram their outfits of the day (that’s what OOTD stands for!) and I enjoy pulling ideas from other people that are more creative/trendy than me. Whenever I’m proud of a particular ensemble or even just one piece, I Instagram it!

I’m in love with this dress and pair of heels that I got at the Marshall’s in Bishop’s Corner. I got this scarf while visiting Kaitlin!
Gym Selfies
I’ve cut down on these lately because I’m trying to use my phone less while at the gym, and I also am at the point where I literally have nothing new to post in terms of gym selfies. They all look the same and it’s just easier to work out without trying to sneak a selfie under the judging eyes of my fellow gym-goers.

This looks like about 80 other pics I’ve posted.
It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with Kat‘s awesome daughter. She even has her own tag on the blog (and a hashtag for social media). Plus, she’s always down for posing in pics.

P loves selfies as much as I do.
Me Being A Doof
Oh look, another #OOTD selfie, except this one isn’t too serious. I wasn’t particularly proud of this outfit. You can bet I have no shame in posting pictures of me being a total goon.
I haven’t Instagrammed one of my salad beast lunches in awhile because they all look the same at this point, like the gym selfies. But whenever I get an awesome salad at a restaurant I like to share it!

This spinach salad from Maple Tree Cafe (Simsbury, CT) pleasantly surprised me. Red pepper, hard boiled egg, and portobello mushrooms!
Most of the seafood I eat at home is ugly but restaurants always present it SO beautifully. I almost always have to take my phone out and snap a picture!

2Hopewell beet salad with ahi tuna and raspberry vinaigrette.
Hollie’s post inspired others too…Brittany did her own Instagram cliche post today! And you have to check out this amazing hilarious link that she sent me yesterday. It’s too true!
Which of these surprise you?
Which of these don’t surprise you at all?
What’s one of your Instagram cliches?