Five Things Friday: On the Road Again
It’s Friday which must mean I’m hitting the road again! My summer is going to be defined by weekends away from my Boston home, but that’s all good because all my weekends away will be pretty fabulous. I’m lucky to have so much fun stuff going on! Last weekend DC, and this weekend it’s back home to Connecticut to see my family and many old friends. I’ve got updates about those plans plus this past week, so I thought a Five Things Friday link-up with Clare was appropriate.
1. Tonight is the Best of Hartford Magazine party at the Hartford Public Library, and I get to attend as the first runner-up for Best Blog! I can’t remember if I ever mentioned on this blog the fact that I received this honor…I know I mentioned it on social media. But I’m really really pumped to reunite with my CT event friends, FINALLY. And I’m bringing one my token foodie plus ones, Rachel, along for the ride. Expect lots of photos like this to come:


Flashback from Taste of Wethersfield with Rachel…AKA the first time I ever mentioned 90+ Cellars on this blog!

All the events. BRING IT ON.
2. Tomorrow night is Glastonbury’s annual Strawberry Moon Festival, and I’m PUMPED. Not just because it means dancing in the streets and sampling food from some of my favorite Glastonbury restaurants. And not just because the weather looks like it’s holding out rather nicely, just like last year. It also means that I get to see Kaitlin, because she is coming to visit me and stay over! Sunday morning we plan to take Group Power at my old gym (OH how I’ve missed that class so!) and spend the day laying out at my pool club. Saturday I also plan to lay out there with my mom and sister, before the Strawberry Moon Festival. Both days will involve iced coffee and fashion magazines. This is going to be a summer weekend at home just like I always used to have!

Nana Connie (will miss her this year!), me, and Hannah at last year’s event!
3. Training for the Zooma Cape Cod half marathon is moving right along! The only training run I have left for this week is 3 miles – holla! Once again I got my long run (6 miles) done early in the week, on Tuesday after work. I thought I’d do it outside and had a route all planned, but when I left work the heat was still pretty darn intense – damn humidity. I love being warm and 99.9% of the time will never complain about it but when I need to run…no go. So I took my run indoors to the treadmill, and set it at 1% incline in an effort to make it at least a tiny bit more similar to an outdoor run (better than nothing). I covered the mileage with a towel and that worked wonders; I managed to resist peeking under the towel until about 4.1 miles in! Of course the remaining 1.9 miles absolutely crawled but I credit a nice trashy ep of The Real Housewives of Orange County for getting me through. I never watch those shows but when I do, you can bet I’m running. Anyway, hopefully next week’s long run can a) get done again on Tuesday and b) will actually be outdoors!

Sorry to be one of “those” people. Source
4. I worked a very fun event on Monday night! The Kelley for Ellie Fashion Show was held at the Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel, which was soooo fancy and fabulous. After I was done working I grabbed a drink and app with my co-workers at The Oak Bar, where I would be completely OK with going to in a power suit and hanging out in alone, waiting for a rich businessman to come and sweep me off my feet. Or at least buy me a Manhattan. I digress, I won’t go into the event details because I wrote a recap for 90+ Cellars that you can read here, but I will share some photos that wouldn’t have exactly fit on that blog:

Being a goof. Dress by Tobi!

Oh, hallo Patriots player. I have to admit I had no idea who this guy was but he was cute and a football player. Now I know he’s Danny Amendola.
5. I won’t be blogging tomorrow so I’m going to go ahead and wish Miss Kelly Bonatsakis happy birthday one day early! Now that we finally live near each other I am bummed that I will be out of town for her big day, which is tomorrow. But I know we can celebrate belatedly and I can at least tell her thank you for being such a kind, compassionate, fun friend! Love you, Kelly!
Will you be away this weekend or at home?
What are you most looking forward to about your weekend?