I Mustache You Some Questions
I was nominated by Brittany EONS ago to fill out this survey. Currently I’m suffering from a combination of writer’s block and feeling that I should write. So, enter this survey, which I saved for a time such as this.
Four names that people call me, other than my real name:
- “Cait” – for obvious reasons.
- “Cat” – my sister calls me that, and sometimes my brother. My name in her phone is “Cat Kitty Chow”.
- “Crossy” – probably has something to do with the fact that my AIM screen name was “crossyx3” (gotta love that x3 at the end for the heart with the ends crossed)
- “CC”- I can’t remember who has called me this but it has definitely happened
Four jobs I have had:
- Program manager in defense and space
- Coffee shop manager
- Retail (at Victoria’s Secret)
- Phone room assistant

I think it’s safe to say I have the most fun at my current job!
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
- Devil Wears Prada
- Moulin Rouge (my favorite movie)
- Anchorman
- Revolutionary Road

Oh my gosh, take me back!
Four books I’d recommend:
- Anywhere But Here (by my favorite author)
- Ella Enchanted (a favorite childhood book)
- Bittersweet
- Sharp Objects
No I have not seen the movie! The book is everything.
Four places I have lived:
- Glastonbury, CT
- Palm City, FL
- California (can’t recall the name of the town but I do know it was near Six Flags Magic Mountain…because I spent a whole lot of time there)
- Washington, DC (for a few months)
Four places I have been:
- Mexico (Cancun and Cozumel)
- Montreal
- Belize (for about an hour)
- Vegas (my favorite place ever)
Four places I’d rather be right now:
- In our Florida condo with my whole family
- Back on a cruise ship
- Anywhere warm, actually
- Back in CT with my parents (since that’s where they are right now)
Four things I don’t eat:
- Watermelon – I can’t get past the texture
- Oysters – a friend recently described them to me as sea boogers and I found it to be spot-on
- Sushi – I just think it’s too expensive and not filling enough and nothing special
- Tongue – one of the few meats I do not enjoy
Four of my favorite foods:
- Brussels sprouts. I probably eat these more often than I eat the first three things combined.
Four TV shows that I watch:
- Parks & Recreation – I just started this show and it’s hilarious!
- Revenge – I wonder what direction the show is going to go in light of recent events!
- How to Get Away with Murder – I can’t wait for it to come back
- Empire – it’s done for the season and I’m already going through major withdrawals
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
- Going to Tennessee next month for my sister’s graduation!
- Rachel’s wedding in Mexico!
- Spending 4th of July weekend in Newport with my family
- Our annual Christmas trip to Florida at the end of the year
Four things I’m always saying:
- “A-MAY-zing” – how I describe many things I eat/drink (Rachel called me out on this awhile back)
- “life-changing” – another way I like to describe anything I love
- “lmao” – in texts and online chatting – I had a boyfriend in college who said it all the time when we texted, and it has stuck with me ever since
- “Sorry I’m being so crazy” – said to friends when I know I’m acting like a nut, so that they at least know I’m aware
Four People I Tag:
OK so that was fun! And anyone I didn’t tag, obviously feel free to do this survey. This is the Internet after all. FREEDOM!
Can you relate to any of my answers?