Wines of Caitalunya at Barcelona Wine Bar
I received complimentary admission to this event, but I have paid for and would continue to pay for Barcelona Wine Bar events in the future – they are always more than worth the money!!!
I sound like a broken record to long-time readers, but I just ADORE Barcelona Wine Bar and feel very fortunate that I moved from one area with several locations to another! I used to blog about Barcelona West Hartford‘s events all the time, and though I’ve visted the Brookline location a few times since moving to Boston, I had yet to attend a formal, structured event here in Boston. That is, until last Wednesday!
And not only did I get to attend the Barcelona South End Wines of Catalunya dinner (or Caitalunya, as my sister so cleverly came up with), but I also got to share my experience during a live takeover of Barcelona’s Instagram, @barcelonawinebar! Fun fact: I have attended a Wines of Catalunya dinner at the West Hartford location as well…read that recap here!
My partner in crime at this event was, as usual, the lovely Emily. She is not only a great friend, but very patient with my need to pause for Instagrams and take allthepictures.
First our group was treated to a cheese and charcuterie plate. It took all my willpower not to just fill up on that. We all know I could eat cheese and meat plates for dinner any day!

This x a few.
We also enjoyed a lovely chilled red – 2012 Josep Foraster, Trepat. The chill was such a nice touch because it was an unexpected way to start the meal. The light body also paired well with the three starters. Yes, THREE! I meant it when I said these events were worth the money.
We also munched on pan con tomate with lomo (I had pan con tomate at the last Wines of Catalunya dinner and it has pan AKA bread AKA is wonderful) and goat cheese croquetas rolled with honey and walnuts (I had to go back for seconds of that one). Then it was time for the next round of wine tasting!

We each received two glasses for the first course, and knew we were in for a treat.
Though I almost always pick red over white, the white wine paired with the first course – 2014 Laurona Blanc from the Montstant region of Catalunya – was my favorite over the red (also from Montstant, the 2008 Laurona Tinto). Though don’t get me wrong, I liked both! And since the first course contained three tapas, it was nice to have white and red pairing options.
While the Blanc paired perfectly with the grilled spring leeks with romesco (unpictured – they had quite a kick, so white was the move), I found the Tinto to be a beyond-perfect match for the coca (flatbread) with spinach, tomato, raisins, and pine nuts.
I probably should have stuck with the Blanc for the salt cod salad (esqueixada), but I honestly polished it off along with those grilled spring leeks, so you’ll see the Tinto pictured below the salad.
The 2nd course served as our entree – or shall I say entrees. And two more wines! I have spoken before about one of my very favorite red wines by the glass ever – Cesca Vicent, found on Barcelona’s wine menu. I swear this menu seemed to be tailor-made for me (right from the start – cheese anyone?) because the red wine paired with the entree was a Cesca Vincent wine! But this version – Lo Piot – definitely had a much thicker body and was loaded with tannins. While not as drinkable as my original favorite Cesca, it certainly had seen much more care and length in the winemaking process.
Every two-three diners received their OWN salt-crusted fish with salmorejo! I liked it but Emily seemed to fall in love.
My favorite part of the main course was the chorizo fideos with ailiolli! I’m not normally a rice person but couldn’t get enough of the crust at the bottom of the pan, or that chorizo.
Finally it was time for those bubbles…and dessert! I usually roll my eyes at dessert. I sometimes/usually skip it and instead opt for another cocktail or more bread. But once this dessert came out, I knew I was powerless to resist, because it had that savory touch – BISCUITS.

Creme Catalan – that homemade creme was out of this world.
Oh my gosh I would recommend this dessert a thousand times over. SO so SO good. And paired with – you got it – bubbles! Not just bubbles – rose cava! Some readers may know that I am OBSESSED with sparkling rose, so I was giddy to see that was the dessert pairing, and not just because of all the wine.
I was having so much fun that I even went to the bar to hang out a bit longer after the dinner ended – I felt that one the next morning. But it was so worth it to be able to spend more time chatting with the old Barcelona West Hartford crew, a couple of whom now work at the South End location. I am often amazing at what a true family the staff of Barcelona is. Employees may move from location to location, position to position, but they do not seem to ever want to leave the company!

WeHa reunited!
I had so much fun at the dinner and still can’t believe how much food and drink we received, given the price tag of $45!!! Thank you so much to Barcelona South End for having me and Emily, and to the Barcelona Wine Bar marketing team for letting me take over the Instagram!
Which tapa that I tried looks best to you?
Are there any Barcelona Wine Bar locations near you?