ClassPass to Cocktails

Oops…I went MIA for awhile there. Sorry about that! Those who follow me on Instagram already know that I just returned from a trip to Orlando, FL with my family and boyfriend. I’ll be posting a vacation recap soon, but it already seems so far away given all that I have coming up in Boston this week!

For awhile now, ClassPass has been taunting me with an intro offer of $19 for two-weeks of unlimited classes. I just have been waiting for a period of time to come along with no trips, even short ones, before I activated those two weeks. Well that time is finally here and I’m already addicted! I’ve been taking more days off from the gym and eating/drinking more than ever simultaneously. This has led to me gaining weight and not feeling good about myself at all. I figured ClassPass would be the motivation I needed to work out each day, and so far I’ve been right. I love researching and finding new classes, or classes that I already know I love but at studios I don’t have memberships to. So far I’ve taken Flywheel and Cyc, and have Recycle Studio, Barry’s Bootcamp, and a kickboxing class lined up for the next few days. I don’t remember the last time I felt this psyched for working out!

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And in typical Caitlin fashion, we move from working out to cocktails! Namely Cocktail Magic, an event taking place tomorrow in Boston, that I’m SUPER excited about. The city’s best bartenders are getting together in one place to pour drinks, all while bites are being served and music is being played. Oh, and yes, there will be magic tricks. Jeff and I are attending and I’m pumped, especially since bars I love are going to be there, like Eastern Standard (of course), the Hawthorne, and Backbar. Tickets are still available and you can get them here. I hope to see some of you there!

Eastern Standard made me feel VERY special on my birthday this year!

Now I’m off to get some unpacking done and get ready for dinner out tonight with an old friend. It’s been nice to have Good Friday off and I’m ready to keep the long weekend going!

Have you ever tried ClassPass?

Have you ever attended a cocktail-focused event?

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