Category Archives: Fashion

Fitness Fashion Friday: pvBody

Attention CT residents! I have a giveaway going on at the Cait Plus Ate Facebook page for two tickets to next weekend’s performance of CONNetic Dance‘s Suite & Spicy Nutcracker at The Wadsworth. Enter before the giveaway ends on Monday night!

I’ve already brought up pvBody on the blog’s Facebook page and Twitter, and I definitely got a LOT of positive feedback…before I’d even shared my full review!

The fashion blogger is on board!

The fashion blogger is on board!

Continue reading

Fashion Black Friday 2012

Thank you to those who entered my Sprigs giveaway for a Banjees (running wallet)! Remember that my review post contains the promo code “CaitBanjees” which can save you 10% off a purchase up to $29.99 or 20% off a purchase $30 and up until 12/31/12. So if you didn’t win a Banjees, you can purchase one (or more!) for yourself and/or family and friends for the holidays…at a discount!


The winner is Laurel! I will contact you for your shipping information – congrats!


A week ago today, America experienced its biggest shopping day of the year – the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday. Last week there was no Fashion Friday on this blog because I was too busy taking advantage of a day that not only means deals to me, but also tradition. Since I was in at least middle school if not earlier, I have been going Black Friday shopping each year with my younger sister, and sometimes also my Nana Connie (she’s the one who introduced us to the “holiday!) and/or my dad. I love fashion, I love deals, but most of all I love my family and how much fun we have together on Black Friday! Family time doesn’t stop at Thanksgiving!

Of course, I DID get some great deals…I’d say this year’s Black Friday was even more successful than last year’s, though more so because I didn’t waste the day feeling distracted by as much guilt (there was still some) over the Thanksgiving meal I’d enjoyed the night before (of course it also helps that this year I wasn’t completely and utterly hungover).

Yeah just what I need..another Fossil watch. But CHECK OUT that price difference! Thank you Nordstrom Rack in Farmington, CT!

Hallmark was having Buy 1, Get 1 50% Off on all Yankee Candles. More things I don’t need. I love how the little guys are just $1.99 each!

I’m obsessed with this Elle dress from Kohls! On sale for just $30. I can’t wait to wear it to work!

This Kohl’s sweater was on sale for about $12! The Lauren Conrad collection skirt was $17. I always seem to find great deals on her clothes on Black Friday!

Kohl's sweater.

Wore the sweater yesterday in fact!

Sweater and Fossil watch.

Went all matchy-matchy with my “birthday cake” Fossil watch.

LOFT necklace

Topped it all off with a LOFT outlet necklace. I love dainty accessories with floral prints!

I adore adding touches of velvet to an ensemble and am in the market for a pair of plain black flats (believe it or not). These were on sale at Urban Outfitters for $19.99!

Jeggings (slowly accumulating a pair in every wash…), pleated skirt (last Black Friday I was pleats-obsessed too), and the best sports bra I’ve ever seen…all from American Eagle. Everything in the store was 40% off! I plan to wear the sports bra not during workouts but with loose tops, kinda like a bandeau.

I didn’t shop for only myself! I picked up some cute holiday cards for co-workers, some presents for my parents, and FIFA ’13 for Xbox for just $35 from Best Buy for the little bro. Last year I got him FIFA ’12 and gave it to him when I got home from shopping. This year was no different.

Best Buy is right next to Trader Joe’s. The place was deserted…understandably, no one wants to be in a grocery store after having been in one so much right up until Thanksgiving. So I didn’t have to wait in line at all to purchase these babies

Come on! Black Friday has gotta be Black Foodie Friday when I’m involved! Another family Black Friday tradition is meeting my dad (or going with us if he joined us to shop) for lunch somewhere when we are done/wiped out/in need of refueling. I suggested Max Burger and my sister was all over it. The menu has something for everyone – in my family’s case, it was burgers and fries for my dad, sister, and brother, and a fan-freaking-tastic scallops salad for me!

Max Burger Blackened Scallop Salad

Blackened scallops, greens, pico de gallo, onions, asparagus, black beans, and orange vinaigrette.

I also polished off my brother’s fries and dipped them in Max sauce (WHAT’S IN IT?!). I left perfectly satisfied and my seafood/veggie craving was quenched. And by a burger place no less! Max Restaurant Group does it again (in fact, I’m dining at another location, Max Amore, tonight for dinner…and to say I’m excited is an understatement). Truly the best way for me to conclude my Black Friday.

Did you go Black Friday shopping? Any deals?

Have you ever had to work retail on a Black Friday? What was it like? *raises hand* I have!

Which of my finds is your favorite? I know Meg will say the salad! 😛

Fashion Friday: Friendspiration!

I appreciate all the interest in my SOYJOY giveaway! I have randomly chosen two lucky winners out of the 152 entries received. And they are…

Jentry and Amy! Thanks for entering ladies and I will be contacting you for shipping information!

Now let’s do this – it’s Fashion Friday! I get lots of fashion inspiration from friends, both “real-life” and blend. You may call it copying, I call it flattery 😉 of course not every friend’s style is one I try to emulate. What works for one lovely lady may not work for this girl. But what I love about fashion is that it’s so on-display, always available for viewing, just begging to be emulated. And it’s even more fun to rock a statement piece seen on a friend first – after all, models ALWAYS look good in that stuff. But to see a girlfriend wear something risky and pull it off gives me more confidence that I can do the same!

So on today’s Fashion Friday, I want to show you a few looks that were definitely friendspired.

Braid: courtesy of Heather

Tee: VS Pink

Shorts: Nordstrom Rack

Sandals: Birkenstocks

I wore this outfit while hanging out with Heather during one of her visits. If you know Heather at all, you know she’s all about the boho braids. So naturally while we were getting ready to take on our day, I asked her to give me one! I’m pretty inept at braiding my own hair, so it’s a treat when I’ve got someone around to do so for me. I love the braided look. Thanks Heather!

Tee: VS Pink

Shorts: Urban Outfitters

Watch: Michael Kors

Ring: Forever 21

Shoes: PacSun Outlet

I wore the outfit above to judge the CT Farm to Shaker cocktail competition and was quite nervous to do so. I purchased the UO shorts on sale in Baltimore  and had no idea whether or not I could pull them off. However, I was inspired to buy them and try out the look in the first place in part thanks to my fashionable blend Jess. I adore following her #ootd on Instagram (she’s a must-follow for fellow fashionistas) and she rocks daring looks like this all the time!

I also was with my sister Hannah when I bought the shorts, and she is usually more fashion-forward than me, and gave them her stamp of approval. I’ve seen her rock a similar high-wait shorts-tucked-in look and that also gave me courage to go for it!

My mom, and Hannah in her shorts!

Finally, you may recognize this last outfit from my recent Millwright’s Tavern review. But you ALSO may recognize it from my recap of my weekend in Tennessee…except I wasn’t the one wearing it! Nope, that honor goes to my twino/blend Meg, who was rocking the dress in honor of the Vols.

I miss her 🙁

I joked to my Vols-obsessed father that I totally needed the dress to wear in honor of UT. And what do you know – he agreed, and got one for both my sister and I! We may be just a bit spoiled.

Dress: Vineyard Vines (on sale right now!)

Sandals: Francesca’s

And there you have it – fashion friendspiration for Fashion Friday. Because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! And now I’m off to plan what I’m wearing the rest of the weekend…including tomorrow for a VERY special girl’s day/night at Mohegan Sun with my blend Maria!

What kind of person do you draw most of your fashion inspiration from – celebs/models or people you know?

What’s your opinion on modeling looks after those you see on friends or family members? How about when someone models their look after one of yours?

Which of this week’s three outfits is your favorite?

Fashion Friday Misses Warm Weather

I hope you guys caught my talented foodie/chef friend Devan’s guest post recipes yesterday! And don’t forget today is the last day to enter my Country Crock Thanksgiving Kit giveaway!

Wait…Winter Storm Athena? Who are you and why were you here when we are not yet in the single-digit dates of November? I hate winter, I hate cold, and I swear this is my last winter in New England. That is my goal – please hold me to it. Yell at me if next November, I am saying the same thing.

This meal was just what the doctor ordered when I got home from driving in the blizzard on Wednesday night – swordfish, veggie pizza, roasted Brussels, and cheap red wine.

I’m not going to complain any longer though, because I was lucky enough to come home safely last night to a warm home, while so many are still without power and facing devastation from Superstorm Sandy (or as Christy called her – I LOLed at this – SuperBitch Sandy).

We only lost power at my house for an hour during Sandy, but when it happened my dad and brother were certainly prepared.

Instead of complaining, let’s cheer up with some nostalgia. I realized I had a bunch of fashion photos I hadn’t shared yet of myself in outfits I wore back in August and September when the weather was warmer. So let’s forget about the recent hurricane/blizzard and celebrate lovely warmth!

Before a pool day back in August!

Top: Urban Outfitters

Bathing Suit Top: H&M

Shorts: Hollister

Sandals: Francesca’s

Watch: Fossil

Before a Boston booze cruise in August!

Top: Urban Outfitters

Shorts: Hollister

Watch: Fossil

Shoes: PacSun

Beachin it Labor Day weekend!

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Cover-Up: H&M

Bathing Suit Top: FCUK

Shorts: Hollister (clearly a standard huh?)

Before a Labor Day Weekend dinner in New Haven!

Dress: Sister’s (I believe it’s Forever 21)

Bracelets, Shoes: Francesca’s

Have a good weekend folks and hopefully Monday I’ll be able to provide a tummy update. You may have been able to tell already but other than a few waves of nausea that have passed fairly quickly, I have been doing a lot better still! And am continuing to not bother trying to determine “what” has made me feel better, just enjoy.

Which look is your favorite?

What’s your favorite outfit to wear when the weather is warm?

Do you prefer warm or cold weather fashion?

Fashion Friday: Halloween!

Remember, you have until this Sunday at 11:59PM EST to enter my giveaway for two cardio dance workout DVDs from Anchor Bay Entertainment: Fitness!

How could I not make this week’s Fashion Friday a Halloween version?! I know it’s November now and Halloween has already flown out of your mind (on a broom I assume) but let me bring it back for ya for just a moment. Perhaps this post will inspire you to go buy some cheap candy?!

Lucky ladybug!

Ladybug Accessories: Wal-Mart

Tee: Old Navy

Pants: Urban Outfitters

Watch: Fossil

Ring/Bracelet: Forever 21

I actually bought the above costume (accessories) last year, but Halloween was cancelled due to Winter Storm Alfred. Despite the fact that I felt nauseous this Halloween morning as I donned my wings, I still tried to stay positive and enjoy a chance to dress up at work. I have always dressed up for Halloween – I even went trick of treating up until my senior year of high school.

Senior year costume – Abe Lincoln. Don’t. Ask.

I have also done the whole slutty college Halloween thing. Hey, gotta embrace each stage of life.

Another costume made of “accessories”.

My boyfriend (at the time) and I as Hef and a Playboy bunny. Yep.

Of course at work I kept it quite conservative. And partook in our little Halloween “parade” and costume contest!

Doin’ my ladybug dance.

So I definitely had the lamest costume of my co-workers who participated. I mean, check out that guy in the mask behind me in the pic above! But I hammed it up to the best of my abilities, which included attempted moon-walking and plenty of “wing” flapping.

I think this was when I was trying to moonwalk!

Thanks to my co-worker Brenda for taking pics for me!

I not-so-anxiously awaited the announcement of the winners of awards for scariest, most original, and funniest costumes. I did not win anything, but my friend Steve won Funniest Costume for his LMFAO Party Rock Anthem robot costume!

He made that robot head! I think we are wearing the same pants?

My co-worker Mike makes a really elaborate costume each year, and this year was no exception. Behold…The Protector?!

Doesn’t look like he’s doing much protecting!

After the parade/contest ended, a Halloween cake was served. And the participants took a photo outside – it’s a tradition at my company and this was my first year being a party of it!

Pretty cake!

Spreadin’ my wings – I felt like I was doing Warrior III!

So there you have it – my Halloween Fashion Friday! Not much time to blog at all today so I’m off, but hope to have more for you guys Monday on my GI stuff because I had both an abdominal ultrasound and a visit to a naturopath, and I need to share what I found/learned!

Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If not, what was the last costume you wore?

Did your place of work do anything to celebrate Halloween?

Getting Blown…At Blo West Hartford!

I’m glad that you all enjoyed the guest post from Amanda, founder of Grow Soul Beautiful. The winner of her giveaway for a set of Vision Quest Photo Assignment cards with exercises on self-love is Sarah!

Thank you to all who entered! I will be contacting Sarah for shipping information. And remember, you don’t need photo cards to practice self love!

I can’t thank you all enough for the supportive comments you left on Friday’s post about my GI stuff. After leaving about three messages and going by the GI doctor’s office in PERSON (and having to leave work due to more nausea…I hate all the work I’m missing), the doc called me on Friday night at about 6PM to tell me he was putting in an order for me to get an abdominal ultrasound. I went the very next morning (thank goodness for Saturday hours) hoping to make an appointment or walk-in right then…and I was able to do the latter! I got the ultrasound done and will get results back once the world comes out of Hurricane-Sandy-shut-down-mode.

(By the way, no work today due to Hurricane Sandy, and no class tomorrow night either…woo hoo!)

All day Friday and also Saturday morning I felt SO down. I literally have never felt that negative in my life, and it really scared me. I kept thinking about things I usually enjoy doing, and they didn’t seem pleasant to me. Nothing seemed appealing. But Saturday I awoke nausea-free. I went to the gym and did Group Power, because all I was in the mood to do was angrily lift heavy stuff. And it definitely helped. I walked out of the gym and had texts from four supportive friends and family members checking on me. I took a deep breath and told myself to shower, go home, and take advantage of a day of feeling well. So I did just that, and as I was putting on some makeup and packing up my homework for a Daybreak trip, I definitely felt like my mood was on the up-and-up. I kept remembering Tina’s post about her attitude when she first developed colitis and felt inspired to give myself “a kick in the ass”. Moping will not do anything. And stressing only makes me feel more sick – so what’s the point?!

Now, let’s get to the meat of today’s innuendo-titled post.

I was also lucky enough on Saturday afternoon to have my bad mood blown away thanks to Stacey Cohen, the owner of Blo West Hartford in Blueback SquareYou may recall that I hosted a giveaway for a free blow dry last month. Well, I also received a free blow dry myself! I was saving it for something special, and had an Old-Hollywood themed Halloween party to attend Saturday night. I thought that a the Holly-Would style out of Blo’s Hair Menu would be the perfect choice!

The hair menu’s depiction of the style. Source

I was psyched to finally get to meet Stacey, who introduced me to my stylist, Allison. She was such a sweetheart and I enjoyed chatting with her! She and all the other employees of Blo are licensed hair stylists and can do everything (cuts, colors, etc), but Blo only does blow drys and up-dos.

My “before” shot – and that’s Allison on the right!

The decor of Blo is so stylish and glam. I love the white and pink color scheme…and check out the refreshments!

Yes, those are mini cupcakes!

Allison was sure to take into consideration my preferences, like where I wanted my part and how “big” I wanted the hairdo to turn out. However, I left most of the decisions up to her. Just ask my sister, who is always getting frustrated with my hair laziness…I do not have the patience to do anything like part my hair when I comb it. I’ve got places to be! And I’m certainly no expert, so I let the expert present (Allison) call most of the shots. I certainly don’t regret that decision. Just LOOK at the finished product!

Um, can I PLEASE get a blow dry every day of my life?! Now I know why my blend Maria is obsessed! The style did not take any time at all for Allison to complete and it turned out just as I had hoped! I walked out of Blo with bounce in my hair AND my step.

Bathroom selfie, when home alone gotta do what ya gotta do.

Unfortunately my party plans did not work out, but I rallied and went out to dinner with my friends Geno and Casey (who also happen to be the parents of a couple of my other friends) to one of my favorite places everRooftop 120! I’d recently purchased their Groupon and also had to go somewhere fabulous to show off my glamorous look!

Wearing a pearl necklace my grandfather got me for high school graduation.

Myspace style.

I had an amazing drink (Knob Creek Manhattan) and meal (Moroccan-Glazed Chicken) and my stomach was well-behaved. I was so thankful for the great friends I was able to spend the evening with!

A trio made in heaven – meal, drink, me!

Moroccan-glazed chicken with green olive puree, Russian banana potatoes, and cherry bomb carrots.

Me, Casey, and Geno!

Andres, my favorite bartender ever, was working (thankfully) and dressed as a mad mixologist for Halloween! Perfect costume for a talented mixologist like himself.

Props and all!

Andres’s lab!

Even the next morning (Sunday) I tried to get as much out of my blow dry as possible. I carefully put my hair in a ponytail before going to the gym, and when I went to Daybreak after to do homework (and procrastinate), I just put on a Forever 21 beanie and rocked my loose waves that still remained!

My blow dry may be gone now, but my memory of my positive experience sure isn’t! I totally recommend heading over to Blo West Hartford to get blown, whether you’re experienced or a first-timer 😉 Call 860-231-0443 to make your appointment, and you can email them at Like Blo on FB and follow them on Twitter too!

I received my blow dry free courtesy of Blo West Hartford. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Have you ever gotten a blow dry?

What was the best part of your weekend?

Fashion Friday: Celebrate Your Style!

I’m hosting a giveaway on the Cait Plus Ate Facebook page – open until today (Friday 10/5) at 3PM EST! New England (excluding Fairfield County, CT) and Albany, NY readers can enter to win one free small cup of Newman’s Own Organics coffee from McDonald’s every week for almost a YEAR! I am not a customer of McDonald’s for their food but I will take a free cup of black coffee any day…hoping some of you will too!

Thank you all for your many congratulations yesterday on my post announcing my appearance in the North Atlantic region holiday issue of Whole Foods Magazine! I’m still pretty blown away and it’s not even because I’m hoping to gain new readership from this. That actually didn’t occur to me until some point yesterday! What I’ve really been focused on is taking this as a sign of recognition that this blog is enjoyable to others, and that’s really my top priority – along with making sure it’s still enjoyable to me!

Still would tweak my description a bit but still beyond grateful!

Another priority is getting self-hosted! I want to be able to get the stats I need from Google Analytics to put together a kick-ass media kit. I’ve been putting off making one because I don’t want to send out something incomplete to brands I want to work with or magazines I’d like to freelance for. I want to show what I am really capable of with a complete media kit. After BlogHer I resolved that I’d get self-hosted within a couple of months and while I unfortunately haven’t met that goal, I have hired someone to help me out and I have a development site up and running on a new host! The next step is getting the layout all set – I’m going to get a new look (I’m even springing for a paid theme *gasp*) and I can’t wait for you all to see what the blog will look like!

In honor of Becki‘s Leaf Your Negativity Behind October challenge, I am going to make today’s Fashion Friday a particularly positive one. I feel like when I see other bloggers’ fashion posts or Instagrams, sometimes I find myself wishing I had the clothes they’re wearing or wondering if I could “pull off” that look. Yes I know there are more important things in this world, but comparison traps are everywhere and even lurk among all those #ootd’s.

That’s why I want to make today’s Fashion Friday about celebrating your style. So this post is not going to tell you where each outfit is from, like it usually does. Instead it’s going to tell you why I chose to share that look and what it says about MY sense of style, and no one else’s. I’m encouraging everyone else to do the same today, whether in a post, tweet, FB post, whatever! “Leaf” negativity and comparison traps behind. Celebrate your own sense of style and your look!

Before the HLS ’12 Chobani dinner!

To me this outfit goes back to my days as a little girl who LOVED wearing dresses. I still love wearing dresses but living in New England, most of the year I’m too cold to do so. But my favorite thing to wear will always be a dress like this – floral, flowy, something I just want to spin in circles in!

I feel like my sense of style revolves around a “theme” each day. I think I sometimes confuse my co-workers because I’ll go totally casual one day, then the next day show up in a fancy dress. I try to tie everything together with accessories so my shoes make sense with my shirt, my bracelets make sense with a dress, etc. The above outfit is very tropical-vacation! Makes me think of what I might wear when I go visit my grandparents in FL this December 😀 #grandma

The above outfit is SO me. I adore bright, delicate florals. I almost always “cuff” my jeans or jeggings when I wear them. And I love bright, fun flats! Oh, and a messy bun is ALWAYS easier than…anything.

Oops, here I am wearing jeggings with no cuffs 😛 but there’s the bright, fun flats – my beloved fruit flats! I definitely think they say a lot about my sense of style – I like to pop in little “quirks”. I wouldn’t exactly wear a dress covered in a fruit print (though I did express desire for a watermelon skirt in last week’s Fashion Friday…) but shoes covered in fruit? They’re like the cherry on top – or in this case, on the bottom, and fruit other than cherries. I also wear a lot of lace, and I like how the bright neon of this top is again very me! I shy away from neutral colors because they “bore” me. I want to excite myself and those around me with what I’m wearing! It makes me feel good and that is what fashion is all about.

So don’t be afraid to celebrate you today. Celebrate your style – it is YOURS and no one else’s. Don’t compare your clothes, your accessories – your ANYTHING – to anyone else. There are more important things in life than fashion, yes, but if you are able to truly celebrate anything about yourself, even just how you rock a new top, then that’s an amazing thing! It takes a lot of hard work to truly celebrate yourself! So “leaf” negativity behind and accept that you are amazing 🙂

Tell me what your favorite part of YOUR style is in the comments, on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram! Use the hashtags #AmazingMe, #FashionFriday, and/or #LeafNegativityBehind!

Fashion Friday: Double Take

Time to announce the winner of a free hairdo by Blo West Hartford

The winner is Olivia!!! I will be contacting her to set up receipt of the prize!

Congrats to her and thanks to all who entered, and to Blo and Cuvee for making this giveaway possible!

Thank you for all the well wishes on yesterday’s one-year belated blogiversary reflection! I love having this blog to look back and recognize how much I’ve grown while also remembering all the fun I’ve had in the past year.

Fun with the best dad in the world! Rockin’ those classy plaid shorts for Fashion Friday!

I have to admit that this hasn’t been the best week for me. I’ve been doing a lot of feeling bad about myself. I’m honestly just downright sick of it and I’m trying to keep trucking on – I know I need to be out of my comfort zone to learn the lessons I need to learn to be happy in the long run. But it sure isn’t easy.

Some mornings, eating my banana and beloved PB isn’t easy. Good thing I love the combo so much 🙂

I was cheered up today when I read a post from Lisa about how she is taking the plunge and is going to stay in California on a “sabbatical” for the next year. I am so envious and at the same time inspired! I want to leave Connecticut and live in a place that’s more “me” one day, but there are things I need to do (my MBA, save more money…) before it’s “practical” to do that. I’m a very practical person, but that doesn’t mean I’m always happy about it. Still, seeing someone do what I want to do makes me realize that it is indeed possible. I need to be patient!

At least last night in class when I dated my page as Tuesday, I got to cross it off after realizing it was Thursday, and not the other way around.

I’ve got a fun weekend ahead – but then again, I always do (I’m not trying to be snotty, it just seems to be the case!). Sometimes that’s the problem! The fun activities are fun to me often because they might entail some food…some drinks…and I feel guilty for thinking those things are fun. But that’s me. That’s my passion, along with the people I’ll be spending time with. I need to focus on them!

Will be hanging with my mom for sure on Sunday night for dinner!

And onto Fashion Friday! Let’s do it! I wanted to showcase a couple of skirts I’ve purchased over the summer that I’ve worn a couple of different ways. Maybe it’s the fashionista in me, but I love those features in magazines that show different outfits using the same piece. Sometimes there isn’t much of a difference, but sometimes a new outfit combo can result in a completely different look!

I used the above outfit in a prior Fashion Friday, but this week I wore the H&M skirt and those shoes again, just with a different shirt. This is an example of a different shirt NOT changing a look much…especially since it’s literally the exact same shirt, in a different color. #sorrynotsorry

Went for lime green this time!

I love wearing neutral colors on the bottom and BRIGHT neon on top! I think the two balance each other out well, and I decided to stick with that look.

This photo makes it look like I’m wearing one earring, but the glittery gold dot (Aldo) and the shell (Forever 21) are two different pairs. I refuse to lay down and let it be fall! Bring on skirts, bring on seashells!

Necklace: Mikarose

Top: Armani Exchange

Watch: NYC flea market

Bracelet, Rings: Forever 21

Skirt, Flats: Urban Outfitters (on sale now for $14.99!)

Top: Forever 21

Watch: NYC flea market

Skirt: Urban Outfitters (see above)

Heels: Steve Madden

I think the two outfits featuring the Urban Outfitters skirt definitely give a more different vibe. I love black lace because I feel like it’s a contrast between girly and dark. I think the first outfit is all girly, from the soft colors to the flats.

Also, in my “travels” through the Urban Outfitters sale skirt section I came across these two gems. I WANT.

I don’t even like watermelon, but I want the skirt below!

Which way of wearing each of the two skirts is your favorite?

How do you feel about my latest Urban Outfitters wish list skirts?

Do you find yourself wearing the same pieces in completely different types of outfits?

5K Fashion Friday!

Be sure to enter my giveaway for Mama Micki’s vegan cookies – you have until tomorrow (Saturday 9/22) at 11:59PM EST to enter!

I’m still so relieved to know that I’m not alone in feeling what I shared on Tuesday. I would never be happy that others are experiencing any negative emotions, but it is comforting to know I’m not alone, and I can see that many of you share the same sentiment. I always get paranoid when I open up here but I never end up regretting it because you’re all just so very kind and understanding!

This seems like a fitting time to announce that I recently signed up for the Love Your Body 5K on Saturday, October 20th! The run is being put on by the CT Chapter of the National Organization for Women and will take place at the beautiful West Hartford Reservoir. I highly encourage anyone in the area to sign up and join fellow blogger Maria and I on Team #AmazingMeThere’s no “official” sign-up process to start a team, but if you sign up and want to join us then simply shoot me an email and let me know so that I can keep you in the loop on where we’ll meet up before the race and costumes(YES we are ABSOLUTELY dressing up and suggestions are welcome!)

My dear friend Jenny and I on a hike in the Reservoir!

Registration is just $25 before the race and $30 on race day, so if you’re on the fence you won’t be losing out on too much money by deciding to show up last minute. But you MAY lose out on the advance notice needed to put a costume together 😛 fair warning! Proceeds benefit the CT NOW Foundation and they are still looking for sponsors, so if you are a local business interested in showing support for an empowering movement then you can email them here!

Now let’s get down to it. I know you guys enjoy Fashion Friday and I do too, even if it means I’m slowly revealing the  size of my closet to the public – it’s actually a small closet, but way more full than it should be. Oops. But fashion makes me happy (and so does donating clothes I don’t wear anymore!) so I will keep filling (and periodically emptying) that closet of mine with more material for more Fashion Fridays. After all, there are 52 Fridays in a year!

Disclaimer:I am completely kidding and am in no form promising you all 52 (multiplied by 4-5 outfits per post) unique outfits per year. Now that would be obscene.

Like my work badge?

Top: Urban Outfitters

Necklace: mystery to me

Watch: Fossil

Jeans: American Eagle

Shoes: Toms

Top: H&M

Watch: gift from grandpa

Rings: Forever 21

Pants, Shoes: Urban Outfitters

Bow: Samantha American Girl doll (not a joke)

Earrings: Forever 21

Cardigan: J. Crew

Cami: Hollister

Watch: Michael Kors

Ring: Forever 21

Jeggings: American Eagle

Wedges: Francesca’s

Headband, Earrings, Ring: Forever 21

Top: Urban Outfitters

Watch: NYC flea market

Belt, Jeggings: American Eagle

Shoes: Urban Outfitters

I also just found one of the tops from last week’s Fashion Friday on Urban Outfitters online SALE section!

Which outfit is your favorite?

Got any ideas for costumes for Team #AmazingMe? Remember the Love Your Body 5K takes place just 11 days before Halloween, so the possibilities are truly endless!

Have you ever attended a Love Your Body – themed event?

Fashion Friday Goes Au Naturale!

No you dirty-minded individuals, au naturale does NOT equate to nudity. You will see what I mean at the end of this post – but don’t scroll down! You’ll miss some cute outfits!

Ready to explore Newport!

I love the back, but it calls for a cami underneath!

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Top: Urban Outfitters (purchased in Baltimore)

Shorts: Hollister (BTW all their color jeans in store/online are $25 right now!)

Watch: Michael Kors

Shoes: Birkenstock (received at the Fitness Meet & Tweet!)

Day 2 of my foodie weekend in RI!

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Bikini: PacSun

Top: Urban Outfitters (another Baltimore find)

Shorts: Hollister

Watch: Michael Kors

Shoes: Birkenstock

Drinks & dinner in Newport!

Earrings: Forever 21

Dress: Urban Outfitters

Watch: Michael Kors

Sandals: Steve Madden

And now for the au naturale

Girls night ready!

Glasses: Dolce & Gabbana (oh you fancy huh?)

“Top”: Corona? (gifted to me on Cinco de Mayo by my fave bartender, Andres!)

Shorts: Charlotte Russe (gems, I tell you)

Shoes: invisible

😛 Thought you might appreciate a silly ending to Fashion Friday because, well, it’s Friday. Who else is gonna get sillay this weekend?!


I’ll be travelling to another state – Tennessee – to get my weekend on! My sister goes to school there and it’s also my parents’ alma mater (they met there!) I visited last fall for a football game and had a blast (my trip was even extended due to the freak Halloween Nor’easter). Football games at a Southern school…there’s NOTHING like it! I never even went to a football game as a UConn student (don’t judge me). I have remained a Tennessee fan despite being a graduate of their arch rival in womens’ basketball!

My outfit today – appropriate for my destination!

I’m so pumped for tailgating fun before the game. I’ve even got some Ripe Bar Juice packed! And a mini bottle of Riesling to sneak into the stadium in my shirt #itsfine plus it’s ESPN College Gameday on campus! We couldn’t have planned this better! I’ll be rooting against Brittany‘s Gators (sorry Britt!) alongside my parents and grandma, and get to FINALLY meet two wonderful blends, Meg and Sloane, beforehand! So yeah, expect lots of tweeting and Instagramming to be happening. And I’ll be on the lookout for scenes from your weekends, too! Enjoy it, everyone!

Which outfit is your favorite?

Are you comfortable with pictures that are taken of you with a more “natural” look? Pretty sure that’s a YES from all my fellow Fitfluential Ambassadors…sweaty #PROOF is nothin’ but natural!

Have you ever been to a college football game?