Category Archives: Blog World

For Love of Fairfield

I’ve already showed Kaitlin (of For Love of Carrots) my turf, and the time came this past weekend for her to show me hers – Fairfield County! I visited her from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon and she showed me a great time. Then again, I knew she would since our tastes are so similar! Prime example number one – we both wore black tops, black shoes, jeans, and statement necklaces to dinner.

Saturday Night


I borrowed the necklace from Kaitlin, the queen of statement necklaces!

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You still have until 11:59PM (EST) tonight to enter my giveaway for an Albion Go Long Crew tee! THUMBHOLES my friends!

I’ve been really lucking out in the blend date department lately. I spent last weekend with Kaitlin, and this past Saturday I hit the road for Stamford in the afternoon to stay with my lovely fellow Connecticut blogger Maria of Pappa Don’t Preach! And if there’s one word that describes our time together, it’s gotta be MARVELOUS! I hereby declare today’s MIMM post…M(aria) In My Monday!

Thanks Katie for helping us all see the marvelous side of things every Monday!

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Caitlin and Kaitlin Take Gbury

I’m glad you all are just as excited about BAMR Bands as I am (in fact mine makes another appearance in this post – can you spot it?) and I’m happy to announce the winners of my giveaway!

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Congrats Amanda, Allison, and Celeste! I will be contacting you about your prizes!

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Friday Flights at Esca!

Two of my foodie friends have started their own food blogs about their cooking creations! Devan has guest blogged for me before and she just started Devours by Devan Victoria. And Molly, my long-time best friend and neighbor, just started The Bite is Write. Make sure you read their blogs for drool-worthy foodgasmic photos and recipe ideas!

This past Friday night my mom and I hit up the Hartford Advocate Best of Hartford Readers’ Poll voting party at Esca Restaurant & Wine Bar in Middletown, CT. As part of the shindig, happy hour was extended until 8pm in the bar area. Interestingly enough, the bartender had no idea! However she was really nice about giving us the happy hour pricing on my mom’s $5 glass of Quattro Mani Montepulciano d’Abruzzo (2008). What a sizable glass!


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One Lovely Blog Award!

The winner of my Best of Hartford Voting Party giveaway is the duo of Connecticut Bloggers!

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I will contact you to find out if you want a gift card from Esca, Spotlight Theaters, or Umi Sushi + Tapas. Don’t forget to check out the voting parties happening in the Hartford area this month!

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Floridian Blends

My $50 Mohegan Sun gift card giveaway in honor of their Restaurant Week ends tonight! Hurry and get your entries in!

My lovely lady blend and Florida resident Brittany of Go The Extra Mile was home for her winter break while I was visiting Florida last week, in the same general area. Um, hello meet-up! We knew we’d be in the same place around Christmas-time since we got to talking during the Chobani dinner at HLS in August, so we’ve been psyched for our December meetup for several months. And it did not disappoint.

Brittany and I were seatmates at the Chobani dinner!

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Tragedy, and a Transition

Wow, you guys really liked that Harry & David giveaway for their Chocolate Covered Strawberries! Thank you so much for the fabulous participation – 204 entries! The lucky winner is…




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WIAW: The Usual

The holidays are fast approaching, so be sure to check out my pvBody review to find out how you can get 20% off your first box of surprise fitness fashion! Perfect for the fit lady on your list, even if she is YOU!

I’m really glad you guys enjoyed reading more about me in yesterday’s post with my answers to the Liebster Award survey that’s been going around! I had a blast writing it and doing so reminded me of how much I enjoy writing personal posts. I feel like sometimes as a blogger, it’s easy to get caught up in sharing experiences with restaurants, events, and products. While I truly enjoy those things and love talking about them on this blog (just look at any of my wordy restaurant recaps and you’ll see what I mean), I sometimes fail to leave time to blog about the author of this blog…aka me!

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Long Overdue Liebster Awards!

Thank you for your kind words in response to yesterday’s post about my car accident (bad) and recent blog-related accomplishments (amazing). I was totally feelin’ the love and hope anyone who commented felt it right back!


Another recent accomplishment I forgot to mention…surpassing 3,000 followers on Twitter! Amanda gave me some props.

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#AmazingMe Monday

My Facebook giveaway for two tickets to CONNetic Dance‘s Suite & Spicy Nutcracker, appearing this weekend at the Wadsworth, will end tonight at 11:59PM EST. I highly encourage any CT readers to enter – I will be attending the matinee this Sunday myself!

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the fact that it is not only my own little alliteration-celebration (#AmazingMe Monday), but it is also Marvelous In My Monday (MIMM) hosted by the lovely Katie. Whatever I want to call this post, it’s gonna have a lot of positive in it, but big props to Katie to bringing awareness to the marvelous every Monday!

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