Category Archives: Fashion

WINNING Fashion Friday!

Warm up in the blizzard by letting thoughts of Taste of the Nation Hartford enter your mind…and enter my giveaway to win two tickets!

I’m not gonna lie, it’s been pretty tough to stay positive ever since I heard about the impending doom of Winter Storm Charlotte.

Or is it Nemo?

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Fashion Friday and An Ego Check

Before I dive into Fashion Friday today, I want to give myself an ego check. For the last several days, my ego has been being downright rude to me. I’m having a LOT of ego-based fears and really need to keep attempting to silence my ego so that I can hear the quiet but true messages from my ~ing. I may have already lost some eye-rolling readers after those last few sentences, but I really need to vent! And the teachings of Gabby Bernstein really have been helping me.

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Fashion Friday: Sunglasses Shop Giveaway!

Sorry for being MIA yesterday, guys. Work was moi busy. But I did post a cool Tribesports core workout graphic on the blog’s Facebook page, so make sure you head over and check that out. Also, the Captain Jabbo winners may have been chosen, but remember the promo code is still good until 2/17!

I’m a spoiled blogger, I’ll admit it. In today’s post you’ll see my second pair of complimentary Oakley shades – yes, second. I received a pair of active wear sunglasses at the Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet last May.

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Fashion Friday: Captain Jabbo Bracelet Giveaway!

Two thumbs up for Caitlin, folks. I so appreciate your encouraging comments and tweets about my plans yesterday to NOT do more of a workout than one Group Step class at the gym, and still go out to a restaurant afterward and enjoy myself. I have to admit, it was tough. I was tempted to skip a snack before the gym because I was trying to restrict and compensate for not working out “enough”. But I didn’t because I knew that I wanted to be strong, fight the ego, and be true to me! And truthfully, Caitlin knows she needs a snack before she works out.

Nicole, I love you.

Nicole, I love you.

The step class felt great, and though I still felt seeds of doubt about doing enough working out or being “hungry enough” for my dinner, my worries really did dissipate almost completely the moment I sat down. I had great food, drinks, and company. I did not overdo it on food/drinks whatsoever and even ditched my comfort zone and stayed out at the restaurant until 11pm! This morning when I woke up I felt a) exhausted and b) wonky in the stomach area. So I ditched the planned P90X Yoga session and did some basic stretching. That’s IT for me today. I feel REALLY proud right now because though I’ve got some anxiety going on right now, I’m being kind to myself and I have faith in that and know I’m doing what’s right!

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Beautiful Blogger Award

Woo hoo! I loved reading your comments on yesterday’s flashback WIAW about your childhood eating habits and hope to reply to them all today. A couple of you mentioned doing your own posts about that topic – PLEASE DO! I’d LOVE to see what you munched on as a munchkin 😉

My HLS roomie Alex of Wholesome Living nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award! I really enjoy filling out these little surveys especially because lately I’ve just been enjoying writing more about moi and my musings, thoughts, what have you. In fact I’m going to cheat a bit and use this survey to share some more current words running through my mind, not just general “about me” stuff.

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Fashion Friday: Back to Basics

So I’m REALLY glad you guys enjoyed yesterday’s little random Three Things Thursday post, because I REALLY enjoyed writing it and I hope that more posts about my daily life/musings will be popping up! Sometimes I “take on” so many opportunities that have come to me because of my blog – tastings, reviews, giveaways, events, what have you. I’m so very grateful and love doing it all! But it also fills up my blogging “schedule” and leaves less time to just ramble. And believe me, it feels good to ramble. Anyone who has a blog I have commented on knows I love doing that. 😉

Can I get a WHAT WHAT for FASHION FRIDAY?! Lately I’ve been going with reviews/giveaways or themes, but today I want to take us back to basics (hence the Christina Aguilera reference) and just do five outfits I haven’t shared yet. Some for work, some for play – not much difference between the two categories though, since I’m lucky enough to work in an office where engineers make the dress code. Every day is Casual Friday – I get funny looks when I “dress up”.

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Fashion-from-Florida Friday

4 F’s?! FOUR?! I am on FIRE today baby. Wait, there’s a fifth F! Alliteration celebration!

It is flipping cold in Connecticut right now. I said a big fuck-it to the weather yesterday and wore a Lauren Conrad skirt (Black Friday buy) and Nononsense tights despite the fact that when I woke up it was 11 degrees, because a positive mindset is half the battle.

The work bathroom shot, an instant classic.

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Fashion Friday: Boston Buys!

As the years pass, we twenty-somethings have a harder time coming up with actual THINGS we want for Christmas. YES this is a first world problem. I mean, this is Fashion Friday after all. And it’s easy to just ask for a gift card – of the general (Visa, AmEx, etc) or more specific variety. I did just that this year and my family members were very generous towards me. Thanks to my recent Boston father/daughter trip, my Christmas presents did not last long. However, they have been transformed into Fashion Friday finds that I’m here today to show you!


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Fashion Friday: Mews Boutique Giveaway!

I’ve got a couple of outfits to show you on this Fashion Friday – built around gorgeous accessories from Mews Boutique! The online store is owned by a friend of mine and sells rings, necklaces, bracelets, scarves, and earrings. She was kind enough to send me a few pieces to review. I can honestly and truthfully tell you that I loved all of them and have so far been very impressed with the quality (and so is my sister, who keeps stealing my new accessories).


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A No nonsense Fashion Friday

SO excited to see so much enthusiasm already for my Harry & David Chocolate Covered Strawberry giveaway! But I’m not too surprised 😛 remember you have until Sunday at 11:59PM EST to enter!

I’m a huge fan of leggings…like to the point where most of my frequently worn jeans are jeggings at this point. I recently had the chance, as a member of Clever Girls Collective, to receive some No nonsense tights and leggings to review. I have to admit I don’t really wear tights, but I also appreciate a chance to try a new fashion find. I was also psyched to see that the leggings I received were corduroy! I own leggings, and I own jeggings. But courdurings? Yes, I made that up. And no, I didn’t already own a pair. Score!

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