Tag Archives: shopping

Fashion Friday: Boston Buys!

As the years pass, we twenty-somethings have a harder time coming up with actual THINGS we want for Christmas. YES this is a first world problem. I mean, this is Fashion Friday after all. And it’s easy to just ask for a gift card – of the general (Visa, AmEx, etc) or more specific variety. I did just that this year and my family members were very generous towards me. Thanks to my recent Boston father/daughter trip, my Christmas presents did not last long. However, they have been transformed into Fashion Friday finds that I’m here today to show you!


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Father-Daughter Boston Trip

Thank you so very much for your kind words in response to yesterday’s post (no worries if you didn’t read, after all I’m the weirdo publishing on Christmas :-P) and my confessions about being NOT so kind to myself. I’m happy to report that so far since that night this past Saturday, I have been doing a much better job of enjoying this special time of year. After all, it’s not like I’m travelling and attending holiday events every day!

Each year, my family exercises a special holiday tradition (yup, another one!): my sister Hannah, my dad, and I travel to New York City from December 23rd to 24th for fabulous meals, shopping, and the Today Show (we get on TV every year!). But this year Hannah had to work, so my dad had the great idea to keep the tradition alive, just on a smaller scale. He and I set off for Boston this past Sunday morning to brunch, shop, cocktail-it, and stay in a fancy Marriott!

White wine and snacks for the Marriott rewards point holders! Unfortunately the apples were no bueno.

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Weekend With My BB – Part One

Thanks to all who entered my giveaway for two Anchor Bay fitness DVDs – I received 193 entries! The two winners are…

Laurel and Angela!

Congrats, ladies! I will be contacting you for your shipping information. Can’t wait to hear what you think of the DVDs! And now, onto today’s weekend recap (part one!)…

During Friday’s drive from work to the gym, I was itching with excitement. Yes, I felt pumped to get to the gym after taking a semi-active rest day the day before. But I felt MORE pumped for what would be arriving in Glastonbury after my gym trip – Heather, my best blend!


My BB drove from MA to CT to stay for the weekend. We both absolutely craved the same things Friday night – wine, salad, and pajamas. Consider it done!

My mom captured the bloggers at work!

I purchased a bottle of Pinot Grigio for the perfect price of $7! I’d sampled this Pinot, from Lulu B Wines, at the Yelp Helps! event in Hartford recently. It was definitely Instagram-worthy, as you can see above, and also tastebud worthy! I find that white wines are way easier to “do cheap” than reds!

Using glasses from Chamard Vineyards!

Heather and I like to buy each other little gifts when we see things that remind us of each other (you can vomit now), and we weren’t even surprised when we pulled out bags from the same store (our little piece of heaven, Urban Outfitters) when it came time to exchange presents.

Who’da thunk it?!

I love giving people presents. I’ve been known to find someone the PERFECT birthday gift, and buy it, regardless of whether the birthday is a week or almost a year away! Hanging onto the gift becomes difficult. I only got Heather’s gift last weekend, but have been so anxious to give it to her since!

And for good reason! I knew this would be Heather’s face when she opened her present – a large photo book containing a history of the Beatles through FASHION! I don’t know much about the Beatles (don’t judge me) but I do know she loves them, and loves the fashion of the 60s (and beyond). Also, the book was $2 .Yup. Purchasing it for her was kinda a no-brainer.

Wet hair, don’t care.

The notebook on the right literally lists the benefits of drinking coffee – as if I needed any convincing to consume it daily – and is so perfect for grad school. Especially since I just started back this past Thursday! I love the contrasting stripe and polka dot patterns of the notebook on the left. They’re sure to get my creative juices flowing, which is appropriate since Heather purchased the notebook for the specific purpose of my continued journey with #AmazingMe. Um, #AmazingHeather! I’m so touched by her constant support.

The pan in the center has curried sweet potatoes from Whole Foods (plus ketchup) that we made extra crispy in the oven. Le duh.

We’d planned to add re-runs of “The Hills” to our salad-and-wine soiree, but they were not available on MTV.com. Never fear! We were better off moving ourselves and all our “gear” down to my basement to use Netflix. Five or six episodes later, we were in major #jadorelavie mode.

I also need to give Lauren Conrad props for having the BEST bitch faces ever.

I awoke with an annoying stab-my-eyes out headache, but I wasn’t too concerned. Heather and I had plans to visit the local Bikram Yoga studio. I had 9 classes from a Groupon to use and she’s a big fan, so we thought it was an appropriate Saturday morning BB workout. And a workout it was! Not only did I feel physically challenged, but also mentally. I noticed that whenever my mind started to wander, my balance did too! My desire to hold poses longer and more correctly drove me to bring my mind back to the present. The practice felt hardest to me during all the transitions to and from savasana, as strange as that sounds. The switching between lying on my back and whatever mat pose was next really got the blood flowing to and from my head, which made me feel light-headed and set my heart to a racing pace at times. That might sound scary, but I still felt in control of my body – just challenged as well. I felt like my heart and lungs were fighting to get stronger! I always discover something physically and mentally new about myself when I practice yoga, particularly a style as extreme as Bikram.

The post-Bikram glow – and HLS headband!

After showering and packing a snack bag (priorities, people), we went to our special Glastonbury spot – Daybreak Coffee Roasters. Every time Heather visits Glastonbury, our time together is not complete without a blogging session at Daybreak, just as my visits to her are not complete without a Wildflour trip (which must include a scone).

Of course my standard cottage cheese and fruit snack was on stand-by!

We ordered Pumpkin Spice (Heather) and Southern Pecan (me) French press coffees. In mugs, for ultimate coziness.

All set up with her protein oats!

We both were super productive thanks to our fresh fuel and cups of joe! And super zen thanks to the morning’s yoga and the peaceful atmosphere of Daybreak.

Thanks for the labels, Daybreak!

Afterwards, we went to Sonoma Wines & Spirits, my favorite package store ever, to help my mom pick out some craft beers. Sonoma has a great selection of singles of unique beers from smaller brands, and customers can build their own six pack AND get 10% off! Later in the day, I joined my mom in sampling some of the Dogfish Head Burton Baton and Sierra Nevada Hoptimum. We both agreed the Hoptimum was the winner!

Beer in a Coca-Cola glass, classic.

Perfect for Tennessee football viewing!

We obviously had to do a photoshoot outside of Sonoma. Because that’s what bloggers do.

Sonoma – and Heather’s fishtail braid skills – rock!

We had another Whole Foods experience for our late lunch, but managed to spend a bit less money this time.

Heather’s awe of how “cute” my town is totally made me realize that I sometimes take it for granted. I DEFINITELY used to in high school. I’m glad that since moving back home, I’ve learned about the treasures my town has to offer. One of the cute gift shops we visited, Emmy Lou’s, also happened to be home to Heather’s favorite type of dog, a corgi.


This particular corgi was named Tasha, and she was literally camera shy – as in, afraid of cameras! Opposite of a blogger. A hilarious attempt to get a photo of Heather and Tasha together ensued.

Corgi fail!

Corgi isn’t having this shit.

Seeing Heather laugh that hard was pretty awesome.

Tasha is over it.

Thanks to the shop/corgi owner, we got a good photo!

After our Glastonbury adventures were done, we went back to my house and I watched the football game with my mom (and my beer) while Heather read her book. Seeing my friends read makes me so happy, since I’m such a bookworm! We took some time to read each other favorite passages, both of her book and my latest (which I plan to do a post on soon). After more episodes of “The Hills” (can’t stop, won’t stop), we set off for dinner. To be continued…

You can read Heather’s take on our first adventures here 🙂 and more to come from me!

Cheap wines, red and/or white…do you buy/drink them?

Which old show could you watch endless re-runs of?

Have you ever tried Bikram yoga?

Wordless Wednesday: Baltimore

I never had time between all my weekends away to share my photos from one of those weekends, in Baltimore, MD. I really felt at home and can totally see myself living there one day, though I know most parts of Baltimore are not as “cute” as the parts I was hanging out in! Enjoy my photos 🙂

Iced coffee, gross clothes, and #fitblognyc swag bag – travel standards.

Nomming on a packed salad while working on my paper during the car ride.

Right by our hotel!

Ridiculous amount of menus at Chazz.

Enjoying the Ginger Gin & Tonic made with ginger, cuke, and mint.

Better look at the drink. No it ain’t water.

We all shared a bunch of apps at Chazz’s happy hour – this was the Gorgonzola Beef Carpaccio.

Good old calamari with a fab aioli.

The super tentacley ones with less breading are my fave – more seafood!

Standard tomato bruschetta with goat cheese.

Veal meatball sliders with housemade chips.

My second drink, which my dad had to help me finish…the Pikesville Manhatta using a Maryland classic rye whiskey, with a brandied cherry. One of the best Manhattans I’ve ever tasted.

This Nutella jar on display was HUUUUGE!

Sis and I at da ba.

Sis, dad, and I outside of Chazz, ready to head to an Orioles game!

My most hated chain!

Buzzin’ in the Inner Harbor walking to the baseball game.

I love the Inner Harbor!

The coolest building I saw there.

We got these free bucket hats at the Orioles game!

Dad’s got his rally cap on.

BBQ at the ball game! Surprised by the options at the stadium for food. But that drink I’m holding was freaking gross.

Shared BBQ pulled pork sammie and sides for sis and I.

Way typical.

Next morning’s brunch bev of choice at Teavolve – Strawberry Basil Fizz.

But I had some of their coffee too!

Wheat toast, egg white omelette with CRAB and muchos veggies.

Purchased on SALE at South Moon Under 🙂

Haul from a cute boutique! Because I definitely need designer highlighters.

Hannah and I stumbled upon this gorgeous bar with cocktails comparable to Drink’s, called Wit & Wisdom, in the Four Seasons.

Perfect afternoon to sit outside with my drink, which included walnut bitters.

Hiding behind some fake dunes?

Hello, you.

Snagged this for just $20 at Urban Outfitters – it’ll pop up in a Fashion Friday soon enough!

My go-to margarita – natural, on the rocks, with EXTRA salt at Roy’s happy hour.

Marvelous marg!

Edamame in the beginning of the meal?! My kind of place!

Dad’s face when I clued him into the fact that edamame is full of soy protein!

Skinny Cosmo 😀 so pretty!

Mini smoked mahi tacos in a crunchy shell!

Mini shortrib tacos!

3 cheers for ICE CREAM from Haagen Dazs! Spiced caramel biscuit…AMAZING.

Pour-over coffee from Lamill for the ride home. So delicous (and it better be, it was like $4!)

And a Whole Foods salad BEAST for the ride home too. Can’t resist visiting other locations’ Whole Foods bars!

Have you ever been to Baltimore?

Do you usually pack food for road trips, or buy on the way?

Which nommm looks best to you?

Also, the winner of the Love with Food giveaway is my friend Alex of The Run Within. Congrats girl! I will be sending  you the code to get your FREE September Love with Food box. Remember, everyone else has until 8/31 to use the code CAITVIP for $2 off if you want to order your own box! Thanks to all who entered!

Fashion Friday: I Fell For It

Today is your last chance to enter the Mohegan Sun giveaway for a signed copy of Real Housewife of New Jersey Teresa Giudice’s new cookbook – you could even meet her if you’re near the casino! Enter if you haven’t, giveaway ends at 11:59PM EST tonight.

I will never stop nerding out over marketing. I guess that’s why I majored in it…why I work in the Sales Department at my employer…and why I love blogging! I get so beyond excited to see marketing in action, even if it’s a situation in which I become one of its “victims”. You are probably wondering…isn’t this Fashion Friday? Shouldn’t you wait and write this post on Monday so you can call it Marketing Monday? I know Meg is thinking that right now (she’s my fellow alliteration enthusiast).

Instagrammed accessories from Tuesday’s work outfit.

Well if there’s one thing that fascinates me most about fashion (aside from the pieces themselves), it’s the marketing aspect of it. Allow me to give you a perfect example, in which I “fall prey” to the clever email marketers over at Urban Outfitters.

Firstly, all orders over $50 get free shipping. Secondly, they are having a bangin’ sale on shoes. Those three s’s (shipping (free), sale, and shoes), along with boredom, combined to create the perfect storm for online shopping. I filled my virtual cart with enough pairs of shoes (four to be exact) to get the free shipping (and then some). Actually, I picked out six pairs at first, but narrowed it down to four with Jeff‘s help via FB chat (sorry to rat you out there, Jeff).

I swear this post has a less-than-completely-shallow point! I ended up abandoning my cart of shoes, something that happens all to often for online retailers. The purchase wasn’t completely off the table in my mind, but was definitely in “wait and see how I’ll feel tomorrow” status. I did not check out.

Then this afternoon, I got a nice email from Urban Outfitters with this goodie inside:

IT WAS FATE! Or so I thought. I couldn’t believe it – here I was, on the fence about purchasing some lovely cheap foods, and along comes a coupon. I quickly logged onto my account, added the below adorable straw clutch to my cart (oops), and checked out using the promo code. $110 gone…but it could’ve been $122!

An hour or two later, while telling my co-worker about my fateful coupon purchase, I stopped in my tracks. DUH DUH DUH. And I call myself a marketing major?! Urban Outfitters saw me add those shoes to my cart. They saw me decide not to purchase them the day I added them. So what did they do? They sent me, specifically, a nudge. Who was I to think everyone on their mailing list got that coupon? It was no coincidence. It was NOT fate. No, it was just smart email marketing.

So I fell for it, just like every other schmuck out there. I often tend to think of myself as superior-minded in terms of being aware of advertising efforts. In fact, I can be downright cynical. But yesterday, Urban Outfitters got me to purchase the items I shared images of in this post. And all I can do is sit back, be in awe of the fact that I am an example of “the girl who fell for it”, and give them props for successfully utilizing tried-and-true marketing best practices.

At least my feet will look good while I’m doing so.

EDIT: After drafting this post I stopped into Francesca’s after work since I had time to kill before meeting up with my parents for a glass of vino. And what did I find? A sale. And what did I do? Purchased three more pairs of shoes. And jewelry. And another purse. Um..you only live once?

$12!!! Love the bows.

Also $12 and so unique!

$2 necklace!

These were about $2 each!

$6. Yup, $6.

I love how the straw makes this clutch summer-friendly but the black makes it winter-friendly too. Year-round use!

Have you ever “fallen prey to” a marketing tactic?

What was the last thing you bought online?

What is the largest number of pairs of shoes you bought in one day? Yesterday’s seven is a (sad) record for me.


Happy Friday, guys! I’m trying to look at this weekend on an optimistic note, but it’s a bit hard since I have summer class that owns my soul. It’s Conflict Management, so hopefully will be interesting. I’m also treating myself to a Whole Foods salad BEAST tonight…picking it up after work to bring with me to my 5-9PM Friday night learning fun session. “Fun” is sarcastic, in case you didn’t realize. I plan to treat myself to the same beast during my 8am-5pm class’s lunch break tomorrow. Because when you’re in a classroom on a summer day, you need yummy things to get you through it all.

I’m also going to see “Rock of Ages” tomorrow night with Jeff. We plan to go out in West Hartford center beforehand and get buzzed, simply because we think watching that movie buzzed/tipsy will be HILARIOUS. I’m pretty psyched and will be looking forward to it all day during class tomorrow, that’s for sure. Now, let’s get to it.

You guys seem to be enjoying the Fashion Fridays, even the boys. In fact, one of my guy friends told me after reading the last Fashion Friday that he was “obsessed” with my blog! I’m gonna take this as a good sign and roll with it…

I also try to link to the exact item whenever I can, or at least the section of the website you’d find it on! It’s usually hard to find the exact same thing since some of my clothes I’ve had as far back as high school (6 years ago).

Not sure what my cam was doing with the lighting here.

Top, Necklace: Forever 21

Cami: Hollister

Jeans, Belt: American Eagle

Old photo, before a wine tasting on my birthday!

Vest, Heels: Forever 21

Top: Victoria’s Secret

Watch: Michael Kors

Jeans, Belt: American Eagle

Before my birthday dinner at J. Gilbert’s!

Dress: Urban Outfitters

Watch: Michael Kors

Coat: Forever 21

Shoes: Steve Madden

I rarely dare to tuck in my shirt!

Shirt: Polo Outlet

Watch: Fossil

Pants: Urban Outfitters

Shoes: PacSun

Top: Forever 21

Necklace: Loft Outlet

Watch: Fossil

Jeans, Belt: American Eagle

Flats: Urban Outfitters

And there you have it! You probably noticed that I repeated a few pieces…I’m much more likely to be seen wearing the same jeans several times in one week than to be seen wearing the same of anything else. There’s usually a VERY long gap between each time I wear a shirt…because I have a shopping problem. I also wear the same belt every day. I just have one go-to belt, so if I ever get pants that need a belt and they don’t match my brown leather one from AE, I’ll be in the market for a new belt!

Do you recognize any pieces that I’ve repeated from other Fashion Friday posts?

Do you wear the same pair of jeans several times in one week? Or the same of anything else?

Which outfit is your favorite?

Have you ever taken a ridiculously scheduled summer class (as in ridiculous lengths/days)? Any tips for me to get through it?

Have you ever gotten buzzed on purpose before seeing a movie, just because you thought it’d be fun to watch that particular movie in that…”state”? 😉

Purchases and a Colorful Giveaway

There have been some good things up on the blog lately…maybe I’m tooting my own horn, but I think the posts below are worth a read, so head back in time (do-do-do-do-DO-dodododo…Pitbull anyone? Heather?) if you get a chance and check them out:

I have a buttload (like a J-Lo or Kim K size) of pictures to share. As the weather gets warmer, my camera does too with all the action it gets. I want to wordlessly-post photos from the too many few shopping ventures I’ve had as of late, and then follow that up with a fun and fit GIVEAWAY!

But first, let me show you my lovely purchases…

H&M top and dress, American Eagle jeans (inspired by Olivia to purchase!)

H&M cover-up and tunic

Nordstrom Rack Neutrogena hair treatment (of course I haven’t touched it since purchasing…) and shades, and H&M coin purse (inspired by J, queen of mustard yellow!)

Sad amount of Bath & Body Works mini candles and a silver holder

Nordstrom Rack top and shorts

It was my first visit to the Nordstrom Rack that just opened near me and clearly I was impressed. My wallet wasn’t…I haven’t been back since for my own financial health!

What do you think of my purchases? Do you have a store near you that’s an absolute DANGER zone for your wallet?


You may have seen my best-blend Heather’s latest giveaway, or Janine’s. But in case you didn’t, let me tell you a bit about the Color Me Rad 5KI was anxious to participate the second I saw a Groupon come out for the Hartford race, which took place over Memorial Day Weekend (check out Kelly’s recap here). Since I was away at a good friend’s graduation, I didn’t get to run at that particular location. Luckily there’s another race fairly close to me in Boston this July!  I will be running on Team FitFluential with other Ambassadors like Janine, Mattie, Heather (and her boyfriend Matty – how cute is that?), and Amy.

Date is actually 7/15 – Twitter faux paus!

This is a 5K during which, at different color stations, participants are coated in colored corn starch! AKA a race that anyone, even those that don’t really like running that much (MOI!), can enjoy. Just take a look at the Color Me Rad FAQ and you’ll see after reading a few of the “A’s” that these are just race organizers that are out to make people smile and spread FUN. No one is expected to take this seriously – unless you want to be the most COLORFUL finisher!

Check out this video for a live-action demo 🙂

The folks of Color Me Rad have been kind enough to continue to spread their mission via a GIVEAWAY for Cait Plus Ate readers! I am giving away two race entries to two people. If you’re not sure whether or not there’s a Color Me Rad race coming to a town near you, check out their race locations!

This giveaway ends Sunday, 6/10/12 at 11:59PM EST. Entering is easy, but make sure you write a comment for each method of entry so that they are all counted when I randomly select the winners!

  • REQUIRED: Go to the FAQ page on the Color Me Rad website and tell me in a comment which “A” to a “Q” you think is the funniest. I got a kick out of reading their answers!
  • Follow @colormerad5k on Twitter.
  • Follow @CaitPlusAte on Twitter
  • Tweet “I want to win a free @colormerad5k entry from @CaitPlusAte! http://wp.me/p1SfTW-11c” and include the tweet’s link when you comment saying you did so.

GOOD LUCK to my fun-loving contestants!

It’s Fashion Friday Again!

You guys seemed to enjoy the last Fashion Friday post I did (sorry to any male readers – or female – who didn’t!) and I have a lot of fashion photos “stocked up”, so I wanted to take a second to do a quick post today and make it another edition of Fashion Friday! And no, that is not my green room in these photos, it’s my sister’s…she is in possession of the full-length mirror.

Dolled up for work.

Better accessories view.

Dress: Ann Taylor Outlet

Watch: NYC flea market

Ring, Bracelet: Forever 21

Shoes: Steve Madden

Dressed down for work (very flexible dress code).

 Headband: Forever 21

Hoodie: Newport, RI gift shop

Corduroys: Hollister

Belt: American Eagle

Shoes: Pac Sun Outlet


Better accessories/shoe view 😀

Collared Shirt: American Eagle

Pants: Urban Outfitters

Watch: Michael Kors

Ring: Forever 21

Shoes: Journey’s Outlet

Top: Urban Outfitters

Lace Cami: Hollister

Jeans/Belt: American Eagle

Watch: Fossil

Shoes: NYC flea market ($2…yes, $2)

Sweater, Jeans, Belt: American Eagle

Tube Top: Lacoste

 Watch: Fossil

Wedges: H&M

There ya have it…this week’s Fashion Friday! Not a regular weekly thing by any means, but I hope you guys like this whenever I do it!

Which outfit is your favorite? Do you own any similar pieces?

Orlando Premium Outlets Get the Best of Me

Oh my goodness. By far the best outlet mall I have ever been to, the Orlando Premium Outlets totally blew my mind on full day #1 (Sunday) of this trip, when I was still feeling super under the weather. I was determined to not waste a SINGLE day in Orlando though. If I couldn’t enjoy premium eats, I could at least enjoy premium shops!

FAVE purchase of day.

JUST KIDDING about the above. This was a serious for-sale dress at the Papaya Outlet. Would make a great slutty college girl Halloween costume. Hey, I’m not judging. I’ve been there…

Junior year, 2010.


Purchased the above two necklaces at Charlotte Russe, 2 for $10 and then got 15% off for having a college ID, score!

Two more necklaces from Ann Taylor Loftbuy one, get one 50% off. They look kind of weird all folded up in their cellophane bags, but I like how the cashier placed them in there and stapled the bags shut, so I’m keeping them there until I can unpack them at home.

Lighting makes this J. Crew dress look more coral, but it’s actually bubblegum pink and has one of those exposed zippers in the back. I tried to find a more telling photo online but couldn’t!

This necklace was only $5 and J. Crew has a student discount too!

Ahhhh Vera Bradley outlet!!! I used the opportunity to purchase several Vera items I’ve always wanted but haven’t been able to justify purchasing – another notebook for school, sticky notes in assorted sizes, a calculator for my desk at work, and a luggage tag. The outlet prices were an additional 20% off!

As if I need any more shoes, right? I got some Toms look-alikes at Pac Sun, because I am in love with the ones I got in Boston but too cheap to pay $54 for another pair. I am more in love, though, with the pair on the right that I got at Journey’s. I have been wanting black and white 20’s-inspired shoes for awhile and am so happy to have found some that were reasonably priced – and I got 15% off from a coupon!

At Pac Sun I also got the above cloth leopard-print tank dress. It’s so comfortable and such a simple cut. The design also has a cute criss-cross back that’s unexpected if you just look at the dress from the front! I like the leopard print – I can even dress it down if needed with a black cardigan. I’m also excited about the bikini I got because I’ve always wanted one with a “sculpted” triangle top!

Ann Taylor was having a BIG sale, 40% off everything in the store, and my madre was kind enough to buy me the clothes I picked out there for my birthday (March 22). I love the above sweater and the gold buttons adorning it, and the tank is so cute and simple. Until it warms up, I can wear it under sweaters. I also am a bit obsessed with the 3/4-sleeve dress on the right. If I wear a tan or black cami underneath, I can wear it to work, and the longer sleeves mean I won’t be freezing my butt off like I always am in dresses. This will be paired with heels – obviously 🙂

I really like the prints that Ann Taylor comes out with every season. I have always been a fan of prints over solids (though there’s a time and place for everything!) and now that I have the above three tops, my next mission is to find some of the amazing colored ankle-length pants that have been all over the fashion mags lately.


Drumroll please, my biggest and most ridiculous/spontaneous purchase of the day – and ever.

I am a watch addict, so strolling into Fossil on a whim (I originally was headed to Auntie Anne’s, but alas, the damn line was out the door) was probably a big mistake. I immediately spotted several watches I’d had my eye on for awhile. Okay that’s a lie, two of them I’ve had my eye on, one I just saw and became enchanted by it. It reminded me of, oddly enough, birthday cake.

Do you see what I mean? That teal face (it’s more green in “real life light”), those colorful rhinestones. This is a total birthday watch!

My sister got the above watch for Christmas, and I was instantly jealous. Now I can say I have my own!

I saw the above watch, brown with a rose-gold stripe, online several months ago. I fell in love! It was even more beautiful in person.

Yes…I bought all three watches. AHHH. I was so afraid that the salespeople were judging me – ha! I was nervously chatting with the girl who helped me try on the watches, trying to make sure that there were people out there who had bought more than three at once before to calm myself. I am never this spontaneous and I don’t do things like this often…and I’m pretty excited about my watches…but it’s safe to say I won’t be going shopping again for awhile.

So all this shopping definitely cheered me up a bit, but I still went into the evening feeling sick, especially after being on my feet at the outlets for about four hours straight! My dad and I picked up takeout from TooJay’s and I was able to eat some of it (see above).

What’s the most spontaneous purchase you have ever made? What do you think of my purchases? What’s the best outlet mall you’ve ever been to?

Vacation Days Turned Sick Days

I have the worst luck, huh? Less than two weeks after getting over a stomach virus, I was hit with another one upon waking Saturday (yesterday) morning. I felt iffy, yet was experiencing no actual symptoms, so I still went to the gym and completed 30 minutes of HIIT on the StepMill. Looking back this was probably a bad call – I should have let myself rest. I wasn’t very hungry all day but managed a tiny breakfast and lunch. Luckily I was still doing OK on the plane ride to Orlando. However, my luck ended there.

This certainly LOOKS lucky – amazing dinner cooked by my dad. The place we’re staying is a timeshare so it’s more a condo than a hotel room. I was actually feeling very hungry for this dinner and it tasted fantastic to me. So fantastic that I ate myself silly!

Baked potato with salsa in the skin, medium to medium-rare filet mignon, and veggies dipped in Publix garlic hummus. Went back for more steak and also a turkey burger in spicy yellow mustard.

It all tasted so delicious, but I felt way too full afterward. I took a water bottle and went to sleep. And woke up a couple hours later in SO much pain, lots of stomach cramping, my body was VERY mad at me. I shouldn’t have let my guard down! But I did and I spent all day Sunday (today) feeling pretty darn crummy. Twitter was a lifesaver as usual – thanks to all who wished me well and gave me advice on how to tame my tummy!

Picked some of this good stuff up. Includes ginger!

I was way more cautious  and though I had a couple of moments of meh feelings, I am feeling better tonight, OK enough to VERY slowly eat some rye bread and turkey pastrami from TooJay’s, a Florida go-to. I refuse to miss out on this trip! I also had WAY too much success at the Orlando Premium Outlets, by far the best outlet mall I’ve ever been to (upon recommendation from the lovely J of J’s Everyday Fashion), which cheered me up. I will be sharing my purchases soon!

Our hotel room is also gorgeous! Again, more like a condo, kitchen included. That’s how we’ve been able to stay in for a couple of nights – and no one is fighting over TVs that’s for sure! Here are some pics for you all – gotta run 🙂 I’m gonna read my amazing book and hit the hay in a few. Here’s hoping I wake up feeling better!

My room, will be sharing with grandparents for a couple evenings.

My bathroom, the wallpaper is cute!

Despite the fact that we have a washer/dryer room, I did NOT pack light.

Living room and dining area.

Clearly the rents don't plan to use their jacuzzi for anything other than a suitcase stand.

What’s the best hotel room you’ve ever stayed in?

Have you ever gotten sick right before or during a vacation?