Pink and Purple PUMA: Fitness Fashion

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of PUMA.

Fitfluential has given me the opportunity to receive another set of PUMA fitness apparel (you can see my first PUMA campaign post here) as part of a campaign. Unfortunately the timing of shipments didn’t work out in my favor. I signed up for the campaign back when I was still living in CT, and by the time the Bubble XT Tribal sneakers arrived, I’d already moved out! I haven’t had a chance to try them yet, but wanted to get my post up, so I’ll just fill you guys in on the basic info that was sent to me: stylish design, light-weight cushion technology. And my info: PURPLE. That’s freaking awesome. Once I do get my hands on them (I’ll be home to grab them this weekend) I’ll be able to actually tell you all what I think. You can read another Fitfluential Ambassador’s review here – thanks Clare!

Pink and purple are my top two favorite colors, so I was psyched when I opened the clothing package (which arrived before I moved – phew!) and saw only those two colors. I love the mesh on the sides of the sports bra (which is called Gym-licious and that makes me cringe a bit) and wearing it with the Gym Loose Top was perfect because of the top’s open back. With a bra like that, I want to show it off! The top definitely felt a little cumbersome at times because of how flowing it is, but I enjoyed wearing it to spin classes.

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What-I-Ate-Lately Wednesday

Thank you guys so much for your support and understanding in response to Monday’s post! I feel like I’ll put less pressure on myself to blog when I don’t want to, now that I’ve put everything out in the open. And I’m just happy to know how excited everyone is for me as I continue on this new path in life.

I may have switched locations but my eating habits have not drastically changed...something I’m grateful for! It certainly eases the transition. The biggest difference is the fact that I’m making my own at-home food, as opposed to my mom handling it for me. Other than that I’m still packing salad lunches, eating my staples (bananas, plain Chobani, sugar-free chemical-filled Jello pudding cups, etc), and dining out. This seems to be an appropriate What I Ate Wednesday topic.

Share your WIAW post here!

I’ve been having great success with my weekend food prep. The only weeknight I left myself cooking to do I got very stressed out, so I learned a lesson quickly. I have yet to order takeout, which is an accomplishment and one I need to keep up seeing as I still am going out to eat a few nights a week. I’ve learned how quickly different foods cook in my oven, made dishes I’ll repeat and dishes I’m not anxious to eat again, and both followed and created recipes. I’ve also learned that I need to make MORE food each weekend if I’m going to be using it not just for dinners, but lunch salad ingredients as well.

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My So-Blogged Life

Oof, the whole spring ahead thing really did a number on me. I barely slept (exaggeration) the last couple of nights. All it takes is a missed hour or two and I am a zombie. I almost said “screw it” to my plan to straighten my hair this morning, but remembered my New Year’s Resolution and powered through. I’m glad I didn’t look out my window before making that decision, because if I had I almost definitely would have screamed “SCREW IT” when I saw that it was SNOWING. Hello weather, it’s called SPRING ahead. I shouldn’t be whining…five days until I board a plane for Mexico after all.

Tropical beverages time!

So in today’s post I’d like to address something that’s been in the back of my mind lately. I’ve only been at my new job for a week and a half, but as I anticipated, my relationship with blogging and its community has already changed. No worries…I am not putting a stop to this blog! But while chatting with Rachel yesterday over pedicures, I was inspired to write a post addressing the fact that the way I live out my life’s passions has changed. I started my blog after my last job (I was doing program management in the defense and space industry, for curious minds) was not giving me a chance to work with what I loved. After all, isn’t that what we all dream of? And then my blog really did end up leading me to a job where I can do what I love. It also happens to be a job that entails working longer hours.

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The Reformer Reformed: The Studio Empower

I was provided a complimentary class for review purposes. Opinions of the experience are my own.

After mentioning I was looking for a gym in Boston (I’ve since joined Boston Sports Club), I was contacted by The Studio Empower and asked to come in and try out a class. Located in Newton, the studio features the Lagree Fitness method and its tricked-out version of the pilates reformer. Each class is 45 minutes long and entails total body conditioning.


That thing looks intimidating, and it sure scared me at first, but my instructor Mo was so helpful and a very patient guide. The little yellow and red knobs on the machine affect the amount of resistance for each exercise and she was sure to let the class know her suggestions. She corrected my form a few times so that I’d get the most out of each exercise. The class was full and I like how small each one is, because that ensures the instructor can make sure everyone is using proper form and getting the most possible out of the workout.

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New Life, New Goals

Hey guys! I continue to be extremely busy but am trying to find time to blog where I can. The good news is my cold is already almost gone and I hope it won’t turn into a month-long cough, which is how most of my colds end up. Now I haven’t done a check-in for awhile now on the goals that I set for myself back in January (also, searching for that post made me realize I’ve made a lot of goalrelated posts, but am bad about following up on them). I’ve been having a stressful week so far, putting a lot of pressure on myself, doing a lot of future-tripping, and not getting enough sleep (not on purpose). So I think it’s time to re-visit the goals I need to focus on because to be honest, some have changed due to my recent move/job change, some are still out there, and some can take a back-seat for now.

1. My New Year’s ResolutionI’m still keeping this one and have definitely been slacking on it lately. Up until this past Sunday’s event my nails had been bare for a couple of weeks, I’d been wearing lots of sweatpants (actually the same pair, over and over…), and not making much effort to look very human. And it totally had an effect on my mood and body image. I’ve been spending time feeling bad about myself and not doing anything about it. It’s time to change that. My practically non-existent commute means I have plenty of time to get ready in the morning. Just because I’m going out for a quick walking errand doesn’t mean I can’t try to look semi-presentable. I will never ban sweatpants and Uggs completely, but they need to see less use!

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Marvelous (But Sick) Monday

Marvelous In My Monday (MIMM) is coming in handy for me this week because I need a good kick in the pants. Around lunchtime on Friday I was hit out of nowhere with a full-on cold. Being sick sucks for me not just because I feel sick, but also because I don’t know how to just step back and allow myself to get the rest I need to get better faster. I get very stuck in thinking in the short-term: What workouts am I missing? What comfort foods am I craving that I “shouldn’t” be eating? And of course feeling gross from an illness does zero favors for my body image. Missing a couple of workouts and relaxing is going to get me back to the gym and back in full working-order sooner in the long-term, but when that’s way out in the future and sitting on my butt resting is what’s staring me in the face right then and there, I can get pretty down.

Whether you’re feeling marvelous or not, you can join Katie’s link-up today.

Debbie Downer may call this post Miserable In My Monday, but my life overall is still marvelous so let’s cut to the chase. I could use some cheering up. Especially since my morning began with spilling my entire cup of just-purchased coffee all over my desk and its surrounding area. I ma have been totally cliche and cried over the spilled coffee. Just a little though.

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The Better Chip Crusted Chicken & Buffalo Brussels

The Better Chip provided me with product and/or compensation for this post, however the opinions I shared are my own.

I recently joined The Better Chip Blogger Program and received a kit with samples of many different chip flavors, plus some fun “accessories”.

How awesome is that headband? I already promised Becki the gluten-free button!

How awesome is that headband? I already promised Becki the gluten-free button!

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Thinking Out Loud: First Week

Time to blog is short to come by these days! But all day long I’ve always got blog ideas popping up in my head and I’m always anxious to put them to digital-paper. I may not have time to do a whole post expanding on each of my ideas, but I always have time to think out loud with Amanda!

1. My first day of work went well! I showed up without my laptop because I’m used to working for a job where a PC is provided, but I’d much prefer to use my own laptop and the beauty of living so close to my job is I could easily walk to my apartment to grab it! I had a great time learning our e-commerce system for online wine purchases, brainstorming promotional ideas, and meeting my new co-workers. To be excited for the next day of work is a new feeling for me and one I could easily get used to!

First day of work selfie. I’m still riding high on my braid-making semi-abilities. I also have realized some form of headwear covering the ears is essential in Boston.

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Wordless WIAW: Millwright’s Goodbye Dinner

As I mentioned previously, my department took me out to dinner at my favorite Simsbury restaurant, Millwright’s, to bid me farewell during my last week at work.

You too can link up with Jenn‘s famous WIAW party!

This post is actually being published on my first day at my new job, so I’m writing it the day before and am also making it fairly wordless. I’ve got a TON to do to continue getting settled in Boston! So here’s my recap of our amazing meal, which was the perfect send-off and very appropriate for What I Ate Wednesday.

Work/dinner outfit…skirt purchased at Kohl’s on Black Friday. Not showing: the still-attached sensor. Ugh.

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I Live In Marvelous Boston!

It’s official! I LIVE IN BOSTON! I start work on Wednesday (thankfully my new employer gave me a few days after moving to settle in) and the last few days have absolutely flown by – in a good way. They’ve been so marvelous in fact, I can hardly stop smiling.

Share your marvelous in Katie’s link up!

My last day at work on Friday was surreal. I honestly don’t think it’s hit me yet that I’ve left that job. Actually, it did hit me a bit, but only as I was leaving our post-work happy hour shenanigans that extended well past happy hour. And they would have extended later had I not had the discipline to leave in time to get home and get enough sleep before my early moving wake-up call. Spending that time with my co-workers was marvelous though. I’m SO glad I got the chance to have a last hurrah with all of them. As I mentioned on Friday, it was the last day for three employees, so the whole evening was very emotional. And fun!

Tom, I, and Steve cut our goodbye cake at work!

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